"Hola a todos, gracias por estar ahí.
Por favor alguien puede aclararme en el aspecto emocional o espiritual, por que una persona acumula grasa el la parte central de su espalda sin, ya tengo claro lo de la parte del cuello o cervicales y lo de las…"
WelcomeTo Omni Mont-Royal Hotel Canadian Employment Offer Hotel Omni Mont-Royal 1050 Sher brooke Street West Montreal, H3A 2R6 CA. Good day, I am Rose from Canada, the manager of Omni canadian hotel, pls i want to inform you about the vacancies in our hotel, The management needs men and women, married and not married, who will work and live in Canada .The hotel will pay for his flight ticket and assist him to process his visa in his country, if you are interested contact us via E-mail :omni.montroyalinternationalhotel@yahoo.ca And the Hotel informations will be sent to you immediately. Thanks. From the Hotel manager. TEL. (+16472894583) OR(+1 514418-5022) E-MAIL : omni.montroyalinternationalhotel@yahoo.ca NOTE… DO NOT REPLY BACK IN THIS SITE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED YOU HAVE TO CONTACT US BACK THROUGH THE EMAIL ABOVE FOR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE OK
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santo domingo
8 de Diciembre
soy sanadora, todo lo que abarque el tema y ustedes compartan, tengo el libro de linda y me encanta
WelcomeTo Omni Mont-Royal Hotel Canadian Employment Offer Hotel Omni Mont-Royal 1050 Sher brooke Street West Montreal, H3A 2R6 CA. Good day, I am Rose from Canada, the manager of Omni canadian hotel, pls i want to inform you about the vacancies in our hotel, The management needs men and women, married and not married, who will work and live in Canada .The hotel will pay for his flight ticket and assist him to process his visa in his country, if you are interested contact us via E-mail :omni.montroyalinternationalhotel@yahoo.ca And the Hotel informations will be sent to you immediately. Thanks. From the Hotel manager. TEL. (+16472894583) OR(+1 514418-5022) E-MAIL : omni.montroyalinternationalhotel@yahoo.ca NOTE… DO NOT REPLY BACK IN THIS SITE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED YOU HAVE TO CONTACT US BACK THROUGH THE EMAIL ABOVE FOR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE OK