Música enviada por Karen


CD 1

01. The Age of Venus
02. A New World
03. United We Are Strong
04. A New Era Begins
05. The End of the West
06. The Survival of Love
07. Venus Forces
08. Forever Love
09. Journey to the Persian Empire
10. I Goddess
11. For Freedom We Die
12. Warriors of Peace
13. Survivors
14. We Are Not Alone
15. A New Adventure
16. Glorious Victory
17. Guardians of the Truth
18. The Rise of Superheroes
19. A Dream of Africa
20. Path to Victory
21. One More Battle
22. Heroes Returning Home
23. Return of the Samurais
24. Return of the Samurais 2

Duración total: 65:05 min.


CD 2

 01. Sails Of Joy
02. Magellans Beat
03. Turquoise Galleon
04. Lover's Moon
05. Beach Fire Dancers
06. Dolphin Escort
07. Treasure Bay
08. Your Lingering Touch
09. Rhumba De La Noche

Duración total: 44:52 min.
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