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Waves of Bliss and PTE Mystery School

Waves of Bliss  

October 2012

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October 2012


Dear Friends,

In October we have many treats for you. Our meditation is a true treat from Divine Mother, as she explains the need to reinforce the energies of Violet Flame with her own Plum Ray of Rejuvenation for a meditational cocktail of healing and release! This meditation was adapted from the 9/9 Free Gateway Portal channeling. It is well worth listening to the entire session as Mother explains the reasons for some of the setbacks you may have been experiencing in the recent past and how to remedy it. Click here to go to the 9/9 gateway audio.


I wish you all great treats through the month of October and a Happy Halloween.

Love and Blessings,



Portal Days in October: 10/1/12, 10/2/12, 10/10/12, 10/11/12, 10/12/12, 10/18/12, 10/20/12, 10/21/12, 10/22/12, 10/23/12, 10/27/12, 10/29/12.

The Full Moon in October is on10/29. New Moon is on 10/15.


 Divine Mother’s Plum Ray Over-lighting the Violet Flame

                                   Adapted from 9/9/12 Gateway Portal Day with Divine mother © FAGU 2012 


Grounding Meditation- Hello everyone this is Jim. We begin with grounding; to calm our minds, to connect to Mother Earth. Then our connection with Divine Mother during the channeling, the prayers and the intentions that we set and the messages that we hear can be from the highest possible platform.

Visualize yourself standing on top of Uluru, the Sacred red rock in Central Australia, also known as Ayers Rock.  We go to this sacred site for our grounding because it represents the pure essence of the Element of Earth.  Feeling Uluru beneath your feet, Imagine that you are absorbed into the rock and become one with Uluru.

Simultaneously imagine yourself floating over Niagara Falls, the great Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.  The mist, bubbling up and bathing you in the Element of Water at Niagara Falls, while the Element of Earth – surrounding you and the energies of Uluru red rock.

Now slide down the Hara Line- a shaft or Pillar of Light- which extends to the Core of the Earth from the surface and find yourself standing in the Core Crystal of Mother Earth, before an Altar of Sacred Fire. Take a deep breath, feel yourself grounded.

See that Divine Mother is now standing directly in front of you. She wears a tall headdress and great ceremonial robes beaming Copper Gold and Yellow-Gold. Have an exchange with Divine Mother so that you can start this meditation off, heart to heart with our own beloved Divine Mother, who has offered so much to us and done so much for us, earth and humankind.

On the other side of the Sacred Altar, Great Silent Watcher is standing; this huge Being of Light is holding her Scepter of Power above our heads, over the fire in the Sacred Altar, and pouring down her Turquoise Blue Light into the Fire.

The Great Silent Watcher, is also beaming to your Eighth Chakra- the energy center just above your head – and to your Earth Crust Chakra – the energy center just below your feet – her Turquoise Blue Light. Two Seven Pointed Stars are superimposed over these Chakras, immersed in the Light of Great Silent Watcher.  She fills them up creating the Cocoon of Protection around your entire body.  This Turquoise Blue cocoon of Great Silent Watcher holds the energies of Protection, Fearlessness, and Divine Power.

Notice Cosmic Mother of the Universe – in a vibrant Pink Light – is standing to your left emanating her Pink Light to you.   Cosmic Mother of the Cosmos is standing to your right, pouring her Amber Colored Light to you.  Goddess of Victory comes to stand directly behind you, beaming her Triple Light, the Lemon Yellow, the Pewter and the Platinum Colored Lights.

See the entire Core Crystal of Mother Earth is permeated with Light. Now see 144,000 Silent Watchers standing shoulder to shoulder in circles upon circles around this group, all holding their Scepters of Power above their heads, beaming Turquoise Blue Light.  They are stepping down and magnifying the energy of Great Silent Watcher. Beyond them there are 10 Billion Angelic Watchers standing shoulder to shoulder creating huge spheres holding this entire entourage within the sphere of Turquoise Blue Light.

Now take Divine Mother’s hand in your right hand and step to the edge of the Sacred Altar, all the Beings that we have called forth are standing around the Altar. We set the intention that all of Divine Mother’s desires, are accomplished as we move up to and through the 12-21-2012 Portal, that all of her intentions, all of her desires are successful beyond expectation and limitation.  We wish the same for Goddess Victory, Great Silent Watcher, Cosmic Mother of the Universe, and Cosmic Mother of the Cosmos.

With great, great love and gratitude to each one of you, I set the intention that each of you, your families and your loved ones have abundance and prosperity, healing, health and wholeness, a life of peace and tranquility, in comfort and luxury, and with ease and grace from this moment on.  Let this intention succeed beyond expectation and beyond limitation for all of you, for all that you have done and I ask this intention too for earth and humankind.


Meditation with Divine Mother to Anchor the Plum Ray

My beloved children of Light I am your very own Divine Mother,

Since March of 2012, there has been an acceleration in releasing the karma and karmic entanglements which has caused pollution within the Five Elements inside the Third Dimension.  This has caused a leakage in the container of your Third Dimensional Reality.

We are happy this release is happening.  We have provoked this mass release of karmic entanglement to clear the Third Dimensional density, to help clear the path for your mass transition to the Fifth Dimensional Octave.  We have triggered this release to happen, and yet, so much pollution came to the surface that it became like a cloud of sooty, sticky, gooey energy. It caused mostly some of you who understand energy to feel heavy, burdened, gain weight, lose weight, feel sleepless, feel achy and all other energetic symptoms. To remedy the situation I will begin by a meditation.

Envision yourself inside the grid in the Core of the Earth and know that whatever you do in the Core of the Earth benefits you by grounding you but also magnifies the energies in the Core Crystal, to help Earth, the Five Elements of Earth, the Five Body System of Earth, and gets posted on the Planetary Body Grid of Earth, for others to receive it.  It’s as if everything that you do gets emailed to seven billion people and they all read their emails- even though in this case they experience it at subconscious levels.  They don’t need to open their so called email to read it; they absorb it from the Five Elements.

Anything that you do in the Core Crystal of the Earth benefits the Five Body System of Earth, benefits the Light Body of Earth, the Five Body System of every soul – the soul of animals, plants, minerals, the Five Elements.  So every house, every car, every man made and natural organism benefits when you do prayers and meditations and when you call the Amber Light from the Core Crystal and bring it to Divine Mother’s Throne.  When you go to the Pool of Creation and call the Amber Light from the Pool of Creation with the help of Great Silent Watcher and pull it down through the Shaft of Light, through the Antahkarana Cord, through your Chakra System, down the Hara Line into the Core Crystal; everything that you do magnifies.

You are all beacons of the Highest Light. You have been called to remember that you are beacons of the Divine Light and that you are doing a great, huge, enormous amount of service, so please be gentle with yourselves and I call upon this Light for your benefit.

Plum Ray and Violet Ray - Many moons ago I introduced the Plum Ray of Rejuvenation and it was offered to you in the March Newsletters in 2009.  I have petitioned Goddess Victory and Great Silent Watcher to help me use the potential of the Plum Ray of Rejuvenation to help the transmutational process.  The Violet Flame is becoming incapable of absorbing and transmuting this sudden onslaught of karmic entanglement that is coming to the surface to be released.  As a result, we are bringing reinforcement; we are putting a scaffolding, if you like, around the substance of the Violet Flame to keep that energy upright.  It’s the analogy of a building, that as a result of an earthquake, has lost its stability and we put scaffolding around it to keep it upright, to keep it from falling.  This Plum Ray is going to immerse itself into and raise the vibration of the Violet Flame in the Third Dimension.

Now, please understand I am not saying all Violet Flame is polluted.  Violet Flame in its higher dimensional qualities continues to remain the energy of Divine Order.  It is only in the Third Dimension where the pollution has become so immense that the Violet Flame can’t cut through its density, and that is why we are bringing reinforcement.  This is not to put down the work that has been done with the Violet Flame and all those Deities that work with the Violet Flame, this is simply to say that we are here to help them, we are here to magnify the impact of Violet Flame by inviting Goddess Victory, a Cosmic Deity, to bring Transmutational Life Force from the Higher Dimensional Realms.  We are calling upon Great Silent Watcher who is the Cosmic Source.  Her Beingness is the Source of Light for our entire Cosmos, her Beingness is the actual physical Seed from which, and from whom this entire Solar System sprang forth.

The range of the Violet Flame is from a very Light Lilac- which is the Violet Light, the Child Aspect- to a lavender color- the Mother Aspect- to a deeper and darker purple color which is the actual Violet Flame – the Father Aspect.  Now imagine that you are Over-lighting all three Aspects- the Child Aspect, the Mother Aspect and the Father Aspect – with the Plum Ray of Rejuvenation which is a gift from Divine Mother. The Plum Ray is deeper, denser, darker, and more concentrated. Over-light the Violet Flame, Violet Ray, Violet Light with the Plum Ray of Rejuvenation.

I call upon Goddess Victory to hold her Torch of Victory above your heads, and pour from her Torch of Victory her version of the Transmutational Light to Over Light each of you as you receive this Plum Ray of Rejuvenation.

I am sending the Plum Ray from every Chakra of my body to yours; I am cocooning the Plum Ray inside my Copper Gold Light.  The reason why it is important to encase it in the Copper Gold Light is because this Copper Gold Light which I have brought to Earth can penetrate into the density of the Third Dimension. I recommend that you always set up a Protection Grid and call upon Divine Mother and say,

Mother send me, cocoon me, encase me, encapsulate me in the Copper Gold Light of your Signature Energy.”

This is to make sure you are protected.  It is a protection that makes your body, your Five Body System, impenetrable to lower vibrations.  This Copper Gold Light which is the Signature Energy of Divine Mother is for this 144 Dimensional Reality which is the Reality you experience.  What you experience in the Third Dimension is part of this Hierarchy of 144 Dimensions and for every one of the 144 Dimensions, this Copper Gold Light is available and applicable.  It is protection, it is nurturing, it is loving, it is graceful, and it helps you become impenetrable.  It helps your vulnerabilities to be healed; it helps your path to be clear.

Putting yourself in Divine Mothers Copper Gold Light will help the day unfold with ease and grace.  It helps your children. Always wrap them in Mother’s Copper Gold Light wherever they are. Wrap your Five Body System in the Copper Gold of Divine Mother. Do the same for all your loved ones, your associates, your coworkers, your neighbors and the whole world, and the Five Body System of Earth.

The moment you do this in the center of the Earth, visualizing yourself standing before Divine Mother receiving the Copper Gold of Divine Mother in the Core Crystal, then in that moment you are magnifying its impact and sending it to all souls, all species, and the entire globe. Breathe and Bathe.

Now notice that I am encasing Divine Mother’s Plum Ray of Rejuvenation inside Mother’s Copper Gold.  The purpose of the Plum Ray of Rejuvenation is to help you receive the transmutational forces and magnify the impact of the Violet Flame.

Now envision that the Violet Flame is spinning and spiraling from the bottom of your feet upwards like a whirlwind. It is receiving and absorbing the Plum Ray of Rejuvenation encased in the Copper Gold of Divine Mother.  Imagine that our beloved Victory is holding her Torch of Victory to seal this entire Grid by pouring the Light from the Flames inside of her Torch to cocoon you; to make this entire Grid of Light impenetrable.

Summary and summing up the Grid from outside in

The ultimate outer layer, if you were looking at yourself from outside, is the cocoon with the two Seven Pointed Stars over your Eighth Chakra and at the bottom of your feet. The Great Silent Watcher is sending Turquoise Blue Light from her Scepter to seal your cocoon with Cosmic Protection and with Fearlessness; so that you can embark upon new projects and plans; to enter into a new better life as the path unfolds before you for entry into Fifth Dimensional Octave.

The second layer, looking from outside, is Goddess Victory pouring the Flame of Victory which carries the Transmutational Aspects of Victory’s Light to release the dross, so that when you take a step you can be established in moving forward rather than being pushed back by the density.  That’s what the Torch of Victory and the Transmutational Aspect of Victory’s Flame does for you. It prevents resistance from the density of 3 D, it paves the path for you to step forward.  She is pouring it over you and cocooning you.

The third layer is Divine Mother with the Copper Gold Light; a cocoon of Copper Gold Light, encasing you and nurturing, protecting and loving you with Mother’s Light.

The Plum Ray is the fourth layer.  The Plum Ray is inside of the Copper Gold cocoon of Divine Mother.  Inside of the Copper Gold cocoon is the Plum Ray, regenerating your Five Body System and reinforcing the impact of the Violet Ray.

Meantime, you are calling on the Violet Flame.  The Violet Flame always forms from the bottom of the feet up in a spiral. So the spiral of Violet Flame is being immersed in the Plum Ray; being protected in the Copper Gold; being further protected in the transmutational potencies of Victory and finally encased in Great Silent Watcher’s Turquoise Light.  The cocoon of Turquoise Light is constantly revived by the two Seven Pointed Stars, one above your head, and one below your feet.

This is the Grid of Light I offer you.  For those of you who will heed my words please participate in the course entitled Fall Equinox Ceremony for 2012. In our Equinox ceremony I will give you the next phase of this year.  For those of you who are not in a position to do so, please do this exercise through the rest of this year to help with our transition into 5 D Octave and to improve your own state of well being. I ask you to practice the summary of the meditation which I have given you every day for the rest of the year and be mindful of Winter Solstice when we go into the Fifth Dimensional Octaves enemas.

I hold each one of you in my own heart, please do these exercises, in this way you will allow me to help you magnify your own success and clear the path for others.

I Am Your Very Own Divine Mother So It Is.


© FAGU 2012


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Waves of Bliss & PTE Mystery School | Vermont Rte 15 | Jeffersonville | VT | 05464

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The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

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My precious friends and family,

I would like to share with you a transmission that takes us deeper into our Hearts' Temple. What I have experienced in my own personal story is the importance of our Heart Temple, and bringing ourselves into our Hearts' Temple in focus, in feelings and indeed in Love and forgiveness; to heal our relationships and our sub-personality/ego aspects through the knowing of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and the Overlighting of our beloved I Am Presence and the many Legions of Light from On High.

For it is by healing our relationships that we will experience our ascension and create the pathways of Divine Love for others to follow. Indeed, it is the greatest initiation that we are collectively experiencing at this time. The ability to truly Love unconditionally, ourselves and others, and to forgive all those around us in our self created realities with whom we have experienced or are currently still experiencing perceived conflict and disharmonious relationships. This Pathway of Transcendence is upon us in this Now, and the increased Light frequencies are taking us into the deepest recesses of ourselves still needing to be loved and nurtured, while clearing karmic relationships, so we can truly embrace ourselves and all Life through the Center of Creation and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. And so I present you with a visualization that has been invaluable to me in experiencing a deeper expression of our collective Hearts. Enjoy!

From my Heart to your Heart, to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

Blessings in Love

Anrita Melchizedek



Transmission by the Elders


Heart Temple Transmission

 (File size: 18.523 MB - approx download time 2-5 min - audio 39  minutes ) 


Mp3 download


It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you enter in to this new Golden Age of Light. Sweet ones, as you understand, the way forward is through the pathway of Divine Love, of forgiveness, of compassion, peace, and the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life. And now, sweet ones, as you move deeper into these transformational energies, through the center of Divine Love, you experience a deeper integration of your shadow aspects, of all relationships, with all souls around you with whom you have karmic patternings being played out, with those within your reality mirroring back to you lower archetypal aspects, the negative ego aspects of yourselves, needing to be integrated, to be loved unconditionally, within the Temple of your heart. In this transmission we take you into the Temple of the Heart, in to a deeper level of the creation, of the sacred Divine Love that you are and that exists within you.


Let us start now, sweet ones, by breathing deep into the body, getting yourselves comfortably relaxed within your sacred space, grounding in to the energy of Mother Earth, into her crystal heart and have a sense of Mother Earth's crystal heart - for this too is a holographic representation of the One Heart of all Creation. Feel this Love and support, sweet ones, as you connect now to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, merging with your beloved I AM Presence, calling in all the Master Guides and Teachers of Light you personally acknowledge, finding yourself in this beautiful center of creation, of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness. Create your personal stargates, sweet ones, wherever you are in your sacred space. Bring in your Pillar of Light, breathing now through the antakarana, the fluorescent tube of Light, as it comes within the body through the crown chakra, down the spine through the perineum center to the earth chakra center. This energy of Divine Light lifts you through all dimensions and you experience yourselves now shifting dimensionally, becoming more multi-dimensional, as you connect to your Higher Self of the Light, your sacred Guardian Angel, to your beloved I AM Presence and now to all the Angelic kingdoms of Light, to the Archangels and Angels and now Christed ET's - in particular the Pleiadians, and the Sirians, the Andromedans, and the Arcturians, all of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, Lord Maitreya, Djwahl Kuhl, the Chohans of the Rays, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda and Lady Nada, Saint Germaine, Lady Portia, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin, and Pallas Athena. Now call in the Mighty Elohim, Builders of Form.  Make a connection now to Nature Intelligence and Nature Spirit Intelligence. Have a sense of the vastness of yourselves as you connect with all Life on this Earth Plane - the mountains, seas, forests, all the animals, the whales and the dolphins creating these etheric pods of Light. Have a sense now of connecting to all the lightworkers and star seeded ones, and Beings of Light from on High that are assisting in this ascension process through the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love. Have a sense of taking on these geometries of Light from the Unity Grid of Light - of the planetary keycodes being downloaded, and of your personal keycodes, fire letters and sacred geometries within the swirlings and vortices and matrices creating the blueprint of this New Earth, of your Heaven on Earth. Wonderful.

Focus for a minute now on your breathing, sweet ones, expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, and contracting the lower abdomen as you breath out; centering yourselves in the Divine Love of All Creation, as you bring in now a beautiful Golden Flame of One Unity Conscious and Empowerment, the sacred ray Overlighting this year of 2012, representing the Divine Masculine. And now you are gently wrapped in a beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love and Illumined Truth representing the energy of the Divine Feminine. For as we commence the journey into your heart in the creation of your Heart Temple, sweet ones, this essence of Divine Love, in the full experience of this, in wholeness, in truth, in peace, and Unity Consciousness comes about through the merging of your inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes of Light. And now surrounded by your Master Guides, and Guardian Angel and all the Beings of Light that you personally acknowledge, you bring your focus to your heart, sweet ones, as you see this stargate, this beautiful Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light being activated within your heart as you connect into the Inner Earth Sun, and the Sun, Central Sun, and Great Central Sun. As you experience yourselves as One with the entire Multi-Universe, you are taken in Soul consciousness into the energy of your heart, into your Heart Temple of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness, sweet ones. As you enter in to your Heart Temple now, just feel this Love that is you, of yourself as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, and Master Being of Light. You find yourself seated at a Throne of Light, sweet ones, in the center of your heart, in this Temple of Divine Love. To the right of you is your Divine Masculine counterpart, this sacred Being that brings you deeper into the energy of the Twin Flame Reunion. To the left of you is your Divine Feminine counterpart, taking you deeper in to Love, and wholeness, through the complements of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits and the experience of your twin flame energies. Merge these aspects of you in wholeness, sweet ones. And place to either the left or the right of you the archetypal aspect representing your twin flame. Feel this sense of wholeness within yourselves, sweet ones, as this Golden Solar Sun Disc is now more deeply activated and actualized within your Heart Temple. The radiance of this energy taking you into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God is experienced within your Heart Temple in sounds, and colors and geometries of Light as you bring in this crystalline matrix, your Soul matrix, in full Illumination and Light; the creation of the crystals and geometries and sonic vibrations, sounds and colors that resonate to your unique Soul vibration, to the magnificence and preciousness of who you are, and have forever been, as these sacred Master Beings of Light.

And now within this inner core circle, you see the Ascended Selves of your Self, sweet ones. All those parallel realities of the past, and future, so to speak, from a linear perspective, that have achieved self-mastery, are called your Ascended Selves, and they form this first core group of Light Beings around you, Overlighted by your Higher Self and beloved I AM Presence. Take a moment now, sweet ones, to merge with your Ascended Selves one at a time - experience these gateways, through these parallel realities and the Christed timelines in which you have achieved ascension, through the timelines of Lemuria, and Atlantis, and ancient Egypt, in the Mayan and Aztec cultures, and other lifetimes, and take on these keycodes through all your higher dimensional selves, sweet ones, your Ascended Selves. Come into full remembrance as the dormant DNA is now activated at a deeper level, this full twelve-strand DNA activation to the remembrance of self-mastery, of having achieved ascension in these timelines.

This sacred Heart Temple that you are re-experiencing carries these perfect notes, geometries of Light, and frequencies of Divine Love, taking you deeper into your heart's calling, into the expression of your Soul matrix, in these waves of Divine Love, sweet ones. Find yourselves coming deeper into the knowing of the preciousness of your magnificence, into a deeper level of self-mastery, of looking through your Master Eyes, in the creation of your reality within the One Reality of All That Is.

Hold this focus, sweet ones, as you merge now with your future Self, as you see clearly through the Christed timelines, in to the energy in which you are again being embraced, as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

And now, bring this vision into this Now, extend it in to your Heart's Temple, through your Heart's calling, your Heart's dreaming, and allow it to be represented within this inner circle of your family of the Light - what you are doing, who you are with, where you are living, how you are expressing your beautiful creative energies, and magnificence, as the healers, and the teachers, and the facilitators, and the way showers, sweet ones. Ground it through the crystal heart of Mother Earth, bring it into this Now, ground it into this reality. Embrace your family of the Light now. And now see beyond this another beautiful circle of your family and friends of the Light; these family and friends of the Light that you have known in many lifetimes and that come together now, in this legion of Light and Unity Consciousness. As you connect to the star-seeded ones and to the light workers from all around the globe, have a sense too of the collective star energies and groups that you are familiar with through your star heritage, sweet ones. The Pleiadians, and Sirians, the Andromedans, Arcturians, Lyrians and Antarians, call in the connecting energy to these Light Beings, through the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League, the Andromedans and the Andromedan Mothers, the Arcturians. Whatever core group you feel most in resonance with is also the core group again that extends from this inner group into the knowing of the teachings of Light that you have experienced through many dimensions and realities including through the star gateways of Light, to the inner plane teachings and ashrams of Light, sweet ones. To the Order of Melchizedek, the Great White Lodge, the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. And now to the Archangels and Angels, as you see around you these sacred seven Archangels - Archangel Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Zadkiel, Jophiel and Chamuel. Wonderful. You are presented now with a gift, a sacred gift from Archangel Michael, to tangibly cut through the energetic blockages around your energy field and body, to truly see through your Master Eyes in this Now, releasing old cords and ties energetically, that in another session we will go into in more detail with you, sweet ones. A deeper sense of clarity and insight, understanding and empowerment, unity consciousness and Divine Love is being experienced through you now, sweet ones, You are this Legion of Light, and as you open your heart deeply to yourselves and to one another, you take this out to all Life in forgiveness and Love, in clear communication, and indeed too in the embracing of the sub-personality aspects of yourselves that need to be integrated in this Now; and this is in the next circle within your temple of Divine Love, your Heart's Temple, sweet ones. Every time you have played out the negative ego aspects of yourselves and your life's challenges in reacting through these planes of duality you have perpetuated the lower ego aspects personality aspects that need to be integrated, and this could be understood archetypically through archetypes such as the victim or the persecutor or the addict or the beggar or the wounded child, to name a few. Focus on each of these archetypes or lower aspects that need to be integrated now, sweet ones, as you focus on your relationships, with those with whom you may still have perceived conflict. As you play out these roles, bring it back into the knowing that these souls are simply reflecting to you a part of the reality that you are experiencing in lack of self-love, in lack of self-appreciation, hiding in the masks or armour, defending or feeling the need to; these cellular memories that create the shame and the guilt and the pain are brought into wholeness through your Love and through the sacred stargate vortex of Divine Love within your hearts. Your Master Guides and your soul and star family and friends of the Light embrace your lower negative lower ego aspects or sub-personalities or archetypes now, sweet ones. See how well you have perpetuated and played this game, when indeed the only real stage player is your beloved I AM Presence. Beyond all these sub-personality aspects is the desire simply to be loved. So face your fears, sweet ones, have a look at what are your greatest fears, and as you integrate them you will shift to a deeper level of these negative ego aspects within yourselves in both reflection and understanding. Embrace each one in Divine Love now.

And lastly the circle around this, those with whom you are still playing out your karmic patterning and old contracts, embrace and Love them as simply reflections to show you what you have needed to work on. Embrace them in Love and forgiveness, sweet ones. Have a look too at cancelling these old contracts that state that you will choose to learn your lessons in pain and shame and guilt and abandonment, and lack of Love, as this is how you will learn best. Take a big red rubber stamp with the word "CANCELLED", and cancel these old contracts now as you are presented by these sacred Angelic Beings of Light within your Hearts Temple with an Akashic crystal to move through the timelines and see these karmic interchanges and to have a look at the energy cords that still exist from these timelines into this Now that may say "I don't like you, I don't appreciate you, I don't hear you, I don't see you, I don't trust you, I want nothing more to do with you" Again with Archangel Michael's Sword of Holy Truth you cut these energetic cords that may extend from the throat or the heart or the solar plexus, or the sacral, or any of the chakras in fact, depending on these false beliefs and judgements. This will take some time, sweet ones, to go through each of your relationships, loving and forgiving, cutting the energy cords and indeed too having a look at what those streams of energy were that you brought into your reality through your energy body. Replace each one with the affirmations of "I see you, I love you, I believe you, I trust you, I appreciate you." It is important, sweet ones, for you to truly be able to let go of all karmic relationships and interplays and lower aspects of yourselves being played out as you move into this Golden Age of Light, through your own archetypal negative ego aspects now. You are given the gift of spinning the Tolkien wheel, the wheel of Light, through their hearts, with their permission at a Higher Light level, of clearing these memories through Divine Love, and healing and Light, and of further embracing the aspects of yourselves most needing this Love now, sweet ones. Within the radiance of your Heart Temple of Divine Love you heal and Love all Life and all aspects of yourselves. This Temple is a beautiful place for you to come back and do more work, to feel every Now moment through a deeper understanding of your Heart Temple. This focus sweet ones, will indeed assist you into a greater level of self-mastery, into the knowing that you have for ever been these magical Master Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

Hold yourself in this sacred space of knowing and Love and understanding and of having forgiveness, sweet ones, forgiving yourselves as well as others. Grounding once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth and experiencing the energy of your beloved I AM Presence, wrapped in angelic wings around you, feel your Angelic body of light, sweet ones, as it is superimposed over your energy bodies, your spiritual bodies, your Ascended bodies. This is you, and this is who you have forever been, these Angelic Master Beings of Divine Love. We thank you for your service work to Mother Earth and all her Life, and with this we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Eadie Miller


Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
 | Gordon's Bay | Cape Town | 7140 | South Africa
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Dear Friends,

Welcome to September of 2012.

For our meditation this month we have a wonderful Grid of Light. This Grid was offered at the 8/8 Portal Channeling as a gift of thanksgiving for all we receive in togetherness by our own Jim Foster. I hope you enjoy it and share it with your loved ones.  It is a simple and very powerful Grid of Light which can even be taught to younger generations, including teenagers and children. It involves envisioning Divine Mother seated inside a lotus placed in each of the chakras of the body. Through this meditation, Divine Mother is offering love, watching over us and protecting us and magnifying our success in all our endeavors.

Happy Equinox and Many blessings to all,



Portal Days in July: 9/1/12, 9/2/12, 9/9/12, 9/10/12, 9/11/12, 9/12/12, 9/18/12, 9/20/12, 9/21/12, 9/22/12, 9/27/12, 9/29/12.

The Full Moon in Sept is on Sun,9/30. New Moon is on 9/16. 


source webpage:


Divine Mother places her Copper Gold Lotus in each Chakra 


Taken from 8/8/12 Gateway Portal Day

© FAGU 2012 

Hello everyone this is Jim. I thank all of you for joining us and Divine Mother to focus on the anchoring of the Divine Feminine Energies on Earth. This event is of great importance.  Many of you have come into this lifetime to play a major role in these events at the conclusion of this 13,000 year cycle, where the new cycle of the reign of the Divine Feminine begins. This is a conclusion to the accomplishment of our Divine Mission which has stretched over many thousands of years and many hundreds of life times.

The next 13,000 year cycle will be that of the Divine Feminine Energies which will clear and cleanse the Five Elements, earth and humankind, allowing us to anchor and establish ourselves in the Fifth Dimensional Octave, moving ourselves into the New Age.  The courses offered at our Path to Enlightenment Mystery School and the Meditational exercises offered through our Waves Of Bliss Website, allow us to acknowledge, receive and accept the Energies of the Divine Feminine and anchor these energies fully on earth and within the Five Elements, benefiting all Creation.

As you begin the following meditational exercise, please set your intentions that through this month Divine Mother succeeds in accomplishing all she wishes through each of us, and that her intentions succeed beyond her expectation and our limitation.

Grounding Meditation

Take a deep breath and prepare for our grounding meditation. We will be using Uluru and the Niagara Falls for our grounding exercise, in order to incorporate the Element of Earth, represented by Uluru, and the Element of Water, represented by the Horseshoe Falls at Niagara Falls.

Visualize that you are standing on top of Uluru, the great red rock, in central Australia.  Feel the heartbeat of Uluru and Mother Earth and pause for a moment to absorb the energies. Now imagine that simultaneously you are suspended in the air over Horseshoe Falls, feeling the mist as the water pours over the falls and splashing in the river below. Feel, simultaneously, the energy of the falls, to bring in the Water Element, and the energy of the red rock Uluru, representing the Earth Element, beneath your feet.

See that you are connecting to both of these places, both of these Elements, and imagine that beneath your feet you see the Pillar of Light, your Hara Line (a shaft of Light which begins below the feet and connects you to the Core of the Earth), extend down to the Core of Mother Earth.  You can visualize the Sacred Fire that sits at the Core of Mother Earth and see the Red Life Force Energy of Mother Earth mixing with the Gold of the Core Crystal making Amber colored Light. Pull that Amber colored Light up through the Hara Line – up to your body.  Let it fill your Chakras, fill your entire body and your Energy Bodies and let it even fill Uluru and fill Niagara Falls with the Amber colored Light.

We will send the Amber colored Light up the Antahkarana Cord (a shaft of Light which connects you to the Higher Realms and Thrones, extending up to the Throne of Divine Mother and the Pool of Creation).  Imagine the Amber Light extending from your Crown Chakra, on top of your head, all the way up through the Thrones into the Pool of Creation where it spreads out. We pull the Amber colored Cosmic Life Force Energy from the Pool of Creation back down through the Antahkarana Cord.  See the Amber colored Light pouring down through the Thrones, enlivening and filling the Thrones as it moves down into your body, through your Crown Chakra, filling Uluru, filling the Horseshoe Falls, down to the Core of the Earth.

You are the catalyst for moving the Life Force Energy, the Amber Life Force Energy of Mother Earth moving up and the Cosmic Life Force Energy of the Cosmos moving down, anchoring you to the Core Crystal, to the heart of Mother Earth.  The Element of Earth through Uluru, the Element of Water through the Horseshoe Falls, the Element of Fire through the Sacred Fire at the Core of Mother Earth, the Air around us and the Ether all represented.  Feel yourself anchored to Mother Earth and connected to the Cosmic Life Force Energy, as it is pouring down, as the Life Force Energy of Mother Earth is moving up.

Nature & the Divine Feminine

Now imagine that you are sitting once again in your favorite spot in a meadow or by a lake, river or the ocean.   Imagine that you feel connected to nature, connected to Mother Earth, connected to the Divine Feminine expressing itself through nature.

Now, imagine you are sitting cross legged, and visualize that directly in front of you, sitting cross legged, is Divine Mother.  She is sitting on top of a lotus. She is emanating her own signature energy, the Copper Gold Light and the lotus is emanating Copper Gold Light.  She is sitting facing you, your knees are touching.  She is looking into your eyes, smiling and pouring her Copper Gold Light over you, pouring her love over you.  Take a moment and make a connection with Divine Mother, express your love and gratitude for all that she has done for you, for your loved ones, for Earth and humankind.

Now see that our own Goddess Victory is standing directly behind you holding her Scepter of Victory and her Torch of Victory over your and Divine Mother’s head.  Lemon-Yellow, Pewter and Platinum colored Lights are pouring down. Breathe and absorb the love.

Now see the Great Silent Watcher standing in her Turquoise Blue colored robes, with her huge Scepter of Power held in both hands up over you and Divine Mother. She is beaming the Turquoise Blue colored Light from her Scepter to your Eighth Chakra- about 10 inches above your Crown Chakra.  She is also pouring Turquoise Blue colored Light to your Earth Crust Chakra,  the chakra just below your feet, in the crust of the earth – about 12 inches below the ground.  See a Seven Pointed Star superimposed over each of these two Chakras. This Turquoise Blue Light is now filling all your Chakras between the 8th and the Earth Crust Chakra and creating a large Cocoon of Turquoise Blue colored Light around you.  This is a Cocoon of Protection, Fearlessness and Divine Power – a gift from our own Great Silent Watcher to each of you.

You are sitting in the middle of this meadow with our own beloved Divine Mother directly in front of you, within the Cocoon of Turquoise Blue, with Victory holding her Torch and Scepter above your head. Breathe and bathe in these energies.

Divine Mother sits on her Lotus in each Chakra

Now Divine Mother begins to send her Copper Gold Light from each one of her Chakras to yours.  From her own Eighth Chakra above her head she beams Copper Gold Light to your 8th Chakra.  A miniature image of Divine Mother seated upon the lotus begins to fully form within your chakra.  The Copper Gold Light begins to pulse and expand in your 8th Chakra.  Breathe and bathe in the energies.

This image will be repeated in each of the chakras of your body. Imagine your Crown Chakra now pulsing with the image of Divine Mother seated inside. Breathe and bathe.

Now Divine Mother’s Third Eye Chakra in her forehead is beaming Copper Gold Light to your Third Eye Chakra her.  A miniature aspect of Divine Mother is seated in your Third Eye Chakra on top of a Lotus, receiving the Copper Gold Light, magnifying and pulsing it into your Third Eye. Breathe and bathe.

Now see the beam of Copper Gold Light expanding in your Throat Chakra and see Divine Mother seated on a Lotus inside your Throat Chakra, magnifying the Copper Gold Light and pulsing in rhythm with the other Chakras.

Now from Divine Mother’s Cosmic Heart Chakra- which is between the Personal Heart and Throat Chakra in the center of your chest – a beam of Copper Gold Light begins to expand. See Divine Mother seated in your own Cosmic Heart Chakra on top of the Lotus, pulsing with the Copper Gold Light.  Breathe and bathe.

The Personal Heart Chakra, directly between the two nipples in the center of your chest is filling with the Copper Gold Light.  Divine Mother, seated on her Lotus, is magnifying the Copper Gold Light. Breathe and bathe.

The Seat of the Soul Chakra, directly between the Personal Heart Chakra and your belly button, is filling with the Copper Gold Light and Divine Mother is sitting on top of the Lotus receiving and magnifying the Copper Gold Light within the Seat of the Soul Chakra, pulsing it in rhythm with your other Chakras. Breathe and bathe.

See the Solar Plexus Chakra filling up, see Divine Mother on her Lotus in the Solar Plexus and see that this Chakra expands to even bigger than the others.  This Seat of Power for our Third Dimensional Reality, fills even more with the Energies of Divine Mother so that, not your will but the Will of the Divine Feminine, is always expressed through your actions. Breathe and bathe.

The Sacral Plexus Chakra fills with the Copper Gold Light and Divine Mother is sitting on the Lotus, reinforcing and magnifying this Light. Breathe and bathe.

See your Root Chakra and Divine Mother sitting on her Lotus.  Copper Gold Light is filling your Root Chakra, letting it expand and pulse in rhythm with the other Chakras.  See that the Copper Gold Light has expanded to create a Cocoon around you and Divine Mother within the Cocoon of the Great Silent Watcher.  The Turquoise Blue Cocoon is holding you and Divine Mother and your Energy Bodies within it. Breathe and bathe.

See your Earth Crust Chakra, 10 inches below the surface of the Earth, is filling with Copper Gold Light and Divine Mother is sitting in your Earth Crust Chakra on her Lotus, magnifying the energy as it pours down and filling your Hara Line all the way down to the Core of the Earth with Copper Gold Light. Breathe and bathe.

Feel the Copper Gold Light of Divine Mother satiate your Body, your Energy Bodies, Antahkarana Cord, and your Hara Line, all the way down to the Core of the Earth.  Sit fully in the embrace of Divine Mother, fully in the love of Divine Mother.

Let us set our intentions that Divine Mother’s wishes, Divine Mother’s intentions, Divine Mother’s desires for what we accomplish on her behalf from now on be exceeded beyond what is possible, beyond all potential, beyond all expectation, beyond all limitation.  That she is successful with what she wants to accomplish for us, for Earth, for Humankind, and for this Hierarchy, beyond expectation, beyond limitation. 

Let us set the intention that all of Goddess Victory’s intentions for what we will accomplish on her behalf from this moment on be accomplished beyond expectation and limitation and all that Great Silent Watcher and all of her intentions that she has set on our behalf and on behalf of Earth and humankind and on behalf of our own Divine Mother be exceeded beyond expectation and limitation.  Now take a moment to set your own personal and global intentions.

Let us together set our intentions to acknowledge, receive, anchor, magnify and transmit the energies of the Divine Feminine, raise our own vibration, and affect the lives of everyone around us.  We will anchor the Energies of the Divine Feminine within our beloved Mother Earth, on behalf of humankind, and on behalf of Goddess Gaia, the deity of Earth,

Add Divine Mother and the Energies of the Divine Feminine to your Morning Routine

Now I propose that every morning you remember this Grid of Light. You may do it as you wake up or while you take your shower. Setting the Gird in the shower while you clean your physical body with running water is potent and beneficial.  Therefore while standing in the shower invite Divine Mother to create this Grid around you. Invite Divine Mother into each one of your Chakras and fill your Antahkarana Cord and Hara Line with the Copper Gold Light of Divine Mother. Fill your body and Energy Bodies with the Love and the Light of Divine Mother and offer the day to Divine Mother.

Ask Divine Mother, for her love and blessing and ask that she be with you every moment, and that her connection with you be felt in every moment. Ask that every thought, word and deed be over lighted with Divine Mother; Divine Mother speaking words through your mouth; Divine Mother performing each action for you.   Ask that every thought, word and deed be completely aligned with the Will of the Divine Feminine.  Request that you are satiated with the Energies of Divine Mother, that the Energies of Victory pour over you at all times, and that the Turquoise Blue Cocoon of Great Silent Watcher with the Energies of Protection, Fearlessness and Divine Power be  magnified for you. Start each day bathing in the Energies of the Divine Feminine, through these Beings. 

I thank you for all the work that you do on behalf of earth and humankind and on behalf of Divine Mother, Goddess Victory, Great Silent Watcher and all of the Goddesses that have come forth on our behalf.

So It Is, It Is Done, Amen.

© FAGU 2012


August 8 2012 Gateway Portal

Transcript 120808 GATEWAY PORTAL DAY


duration 28:54 :: Grounding + Grid Invocation + Meditation with Jim Foster

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Spiritual Purity ~ Rites of Passage ~ Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation ~ 

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Prepare Your Life~ Final Review of our Spiritual Purity

The 2012 Rites of Passage Begin Soon!
  • The Rites of Passage Begin this September   
  • Embracing our Spiritual Purity                 
  • Sacred Fire Purification
  • Preparing the Soul Bridge                    
  • Building the Light Quotient
  • The Power of Prayer and Invocation
  • Resources and Personal Support      




gold key

The Rites of Passage begin this September 


Children of the Sun Foundation is co-creating a Rites of Passage Program for all Planetary Light Servers in which to guide a 12-week group initiation into greater levels of Unity Consciousness and the genuine perceptual and experiential awareness of the self as God.


As a resonant group, we have been preparing our life in order to make the necessary commitment to go the distance in this exponential passage. This is going to be one heaven of a ride, beloved Avatars, so gather your ability to focus with supreme intensity as we rise to meet our divine destiny through these Rites of Passage. 

We are in the Final Preparation Phase!         


To undergo these Rites, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have an advanced level of control and balance over your three lower bodies - the physical body, the emotions and the mind.


  • This entails a demonstration of physical purity, having brought the needs and wants of the body under the dominion of your soul.
  • The astral/emotional body is limpid and calm, demonstrating the ability to maintain a state of harmony and balance in the face of adversity.
  • In achieving control over the mental body, your thoughts are qualified by the Divine Presence within and demonstrate a high level of stillness and inner quietude. 








Upcoming Full Moon Cycle and Continuing...   

Embracing Spiritual Purity     


This is our Final Act of Review!


This is our final act of review before we enter into the greater initiations delivered through the Rites of Passage. Having firmly established an adequate level of control over the three lower bodies, we are now shifting our focus to the spiritual body and it's requirements to experience God Realization.



Preparing for the Higher Initiations


The spiritual body is the pathway through which we receive the incoming light frequencies during the initiation process. In order to properly assimilate and anchor these divine energies into our multi-body system, it is important to have achieved the necessary grounding and stability. Listed below are some beneficial methods to help strengthen our ability to undergo the intense activations stimulated through the Rites of Passage.



Sacred Fire Purification


The Sacred Fire is a highly concentrated activity of light, a luminous radiation that is qualified with specific focuses of God Perfection. It is a mighty current of energy that, when consciously invoked, has directing intelligence in its many forms of expression. It is through these cosmic fires that we can greatly purify our energy bodies to assist in a spontaneous raising and revealing of our divine blueprint.


The Violet Flames of Transmutation are especially useful in re-qualifying all discordant energies into the patterns of perfection. Called forth in tandem with the Platinum Cosmic Light of God Union through the power of intention and invocation, we can effectively attune our vibratory fields to reflect and embody the Divine Presence within.



Preparing the Soul Bridge


The soul bridge, also known as the antakharana, is the pathway through which we experience a greater merging with our Soul and Monad, source consciousness. It is consciously built through the means of intention, visualization, projection, invocation, stabilization and resurrection. This energetic bridge is produced through the power of synthesis, a fusion of the three cords which emanate from the heart, throat and pineal gland. As a result of right thought and authentic spiritual activity, the antahkarana is strengthened to receive the light of the Soul.



Building the Light Quotient


The amount of divine light contained with our energy matrix is directly related to our current level of spiritual development. As we come to more greatly reveal our innate perfection as God Realized beings, right here and now, our bodily light quotient increases at an exponential pace. Invoking the Sacred Fires is a very effective means through which to build the light quotient. It is important to remain grounded during the light building process as these energies are very powerful and can result in instability if they are not properly assimilated.



The Power of Prayer and Invocation


The transformative power of our speech can be used to shift our entire vibratory field. When our words are used in tandem with the unified power of thought and feeling, we can greatly affect the electrons within our multi-body systems, commanding them to vibrate in perfect harmony with the patterns of Divine Perfection. The practice of using prayer and invocation to commune with God, our Body Elemental and to bring forth the mighty planetary rays can be of great service in revealing the innate perfection and purity of your spiritual being.



In Closing...


We are almost there beloved Children of the Sun. Our passage through the eye of the needle is upon us once again. All of our preparations are nearly complete and we have arrived in perfect timing at the gates before the Rites of Passage.


Congratulations on a preparatory campaign well done! 












~Spiritual Body Preparation~      





2. Related Audios 

The Collective Initiation of our Monadic Absorption

Journey to the Great Central Sun (building our antahkarana)

Building the Light Quotient



3. Related Audios



4. REVIEW!  
Rites of Passage 2011


We highly recommend the review of this outstanding program created for our 11-11-11 passage and presented as a gift of grace from Children of the Sun Foundation. These present the virtues of Christ (Unity) Consciousness in the form of 7 Rites, 7 Seals and  7 Gifts.  





Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. | |
 404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta | CA | 96067
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Mental Purity ~ Rites of Passage ~ Children of the Sun

mental purity


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation      

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Prepare Your Life ~ Review of our Mental Purity  
The 2012 Rites of Passage Begin Soon!


  • The Rites of Passage begin this September   
  • Embracing Mental Purity                    
  • Living from Intuition and Synchronicity
  • Energy Follows Thought                      
  • The Power of Divine Perception
  • Concentrating the Mind
  • Resources and Extra Support         












gold key 

The Rites of Passage begin this September 



Children of the Sun Foundation is co-creating a Rites of Passage Program for all Planetary Light Servers in which to guide a 12-week group initiation into greater levels of Unity Consciousness and the genuine perceptual and experiential awareness of the self as God.

As a resonant group, we have been preparing our life in order to make the necessary commitment to go the distance in this exponential passage. This is going to be one heaven of a ride, beloved Avatars, so gather your ability to focus with supreme intensity as we rise to meet our divine destiny through these Rites of Passage. 


We are in the Preparation Phase! 


To undergo these Rites, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have an advanced level of control and balance over your three lower bodies - the physical body, the emotions and the mind.


  • This entails a demonstration of physical purity, having brought the needs and wants of the body under the dominion of your soul.
  • The astral/emotional body is limpid and calm, demonstrating the ability to maintain a state of harmony and balance in the face of adversity.
  • In achieving control over the mental body, your thoughts are qualified by the Divine Presence within and demonstrate a high level of stillness and inner quietude. 









If anyone would like to translate these Rites and  
produce the mp3 audios in other languages,  
please contact us at:







Upcoming New Moon Cycle and Continuing...

Embracing Mental Purity     




Our next preparatory focus for the upcoming Rites of Passage is to observe the manner in which the mind disperses thought energy.



Having made the necessary adjustments in our emotional bodies, we find ourselves the subject, not now of glamour, but of illusion... of illusion which is governing the mind.


These may have to do with our use of a limited dual perception to try and figure things out. Our decisions come from the more linear, rationalizing part of our mind that wants to feel safe by adhering to logic.


Let's again look closely at our need for mental analysis and any thinking from this approach. Are we still connected to belief systems, living our life according to societal and cultural programming? Are we believing in outer appearance or what we are reading? 


In our perceptual shift, we are learning to let go of the need for logic so that the mind is responsive to ideas, intuitions and impulses coming from the soul and our monadic source (God).


Preparation Recommendations:  



Living from Divine Intuition and Synchronicity


When the mental body is controlled, we gain the ability for pure and creative thought forms pulsating with the spirit of service.


If our mental body remains dependent upon the old pattern of solely making decisions based on linear logic, we bypass the ability to intuitively recognize the Law of Synchronicity at work in our daily lives. To overcome this approach, it is simply a matter of releasing the hold of the mind, thereby allowing the light of God to come in and transmute the thoughts that entrap and keep us locked in a vice of old programming.


The mastery of the mental body is the great transfiguration when we transition from an emotional based focus to an intelligent thinking focus. Our thoughts are born of Divine Intuition, streaming in through the means of a controlled personality vehicle.



Energy Follows Thought



Whatever we place our attention upon, grows in power and influence through the direct impact of mental energy.


It is this divine fact that keeps many evolving beings locked in various states of dis-ease, imbalance and separation. As we wade through streams of discordant thought bent on the 'healing' of an imperfect condition, we keep ourselves anchored in the very thing we are aiming to transmute.


In keeping our focus laser-beam sharp upon the patterns of perfection, this perfected condition becomes our reality as we come into greater resonance with the holy vibrations of God.



Releasing Mind Attachment to Self Identity


In our desire to return to Divine Reality, we realize that this requires the complete giving up of all ideas and beliefs about the personal self and its plethora of self-willed creations.


There is a return to living simply, ever so humble and always ready to be filled with greater and greater revelations of Truth, one building upon the other as the consciousness adjusts inwardly and reflects outwardly.


In this state of emptiness, we are open fully to the light of Divine Intuition. As a soul-infused personality, our will becomes one with Divine Will as we carry out our service to humanity with an unerring focus.



The Power of Divine Perception

The Source of all is God, or, Oneness. This means that all pairs of opposites have the same foundation. Light and dark are from the same source. Good and evil are from the same source. While different in frequency, they live on the same polarity spectrum, are extreme manifestations of the exact same energy and are deeply interdependent upon the other at the human level.


Divine Truth just might lie in the absolute middle, in complete neutrality, neither negative nor positive... zero charge. Divine Truth is not for or against anything, it just IS. This may be why the Buddha taught his disciples to walk the "Middle Way".


Our complete transcendence from duality is paramount to help bring about the new creations that are needed in the world today. When we focus all of our thoughts, words and actions on the highest good of all (whether good, bad or indifferent) we are operating in alignment with the Universe, and we begin to live, perceive and create from the one Divine Consciousness within.


May we all be blessed with much deeper union with God. Divine Love knows no opposite. By placing all attention to be consciously merged with this Source of our power, with this Source of our every action, we can more easily transcend the illusion of separated identity.





Developing Concentration - Jewels of Wisdom   


  • Self Mastery in these fluctuating times depends on our level of concentration and control over our mind and emotions. To develop and use the power of concentration for Divine Action, our lower human desires must be purified in order to see clearly. This brings through the Divine Plan in our thought-feeling creations.
  • Fine tuned concentration is developed through exercising the mental faculty with anything requiring sustained focus. It then becomes an attitude of life. Regular meditation is essential for those depending upon guidance received through the higher senses.
  • Concentrate on the spoken word. May we speak less and know more. May we speak slowly and deliberately. Seek to use only words that blend the self with the Will of God and the Divine Plan. We are the instruments of Peace.
  • The mind is associated with the nerves. When we steady our nerves and nervous system, we steady our mind. If the nerves are erratic, our minds become scattered and our creation power is not concentrated. When breathing is uneven, the mind cannot concentrate. Controlling our breath steadies the mind and the emotions.     
  • EXERCISE and strengthen your body... get fit for the greater work coming up!
  • The more self poise and peace that we carry, the better our concentration. Being in a hurry can take us out of the awareness of presence.
  • Observe where the attention is so that it does not wander or get easily diverted.  Be consciously attentive and hold the mind on one thing at a time. You will accomplish more in less time plus alleviate much energetic interference.


We concentrate at the moment we say...  

















~ Mental Body Preparation ~      





2. Related Audios     

Developing Concentration 

Journey to the Great Central Sun

The Power of Perception (transcending duality) 

Pineal Gland Activation 




3. Related Articles


The Power of Perception (transcending duality)


Releasing the Mind and Attachment to Self

Dissolving Self Identity

Our Departure from Desire



4. REVIEW!   
Rites of Passage 2011


We highly recommend the review of this outstanding program created for our 11-11-11 passage and presented as a gift of grace from Children of the Sun Foundation. These present the virtues of Christ (Unity) Consciousness in the form of 7 Rites, 7 Seals and  7 Gifts.  














The 2012 group momentum facilitated through Children of the Sun Foundation will be carried out through a focus referred to as the I AM Avatar Yoga. We are exercising this yoga within the New Earth Crystalline Matrix during the Planetary Grid Transmissions.

Our goal this year is to reach total clarity of consciousness and Divine Union with our Source of Life. This concerns the realization of the whole, re- aligning us as one into a resonant rhythm within the universal ascension spiral through single pointed focus in union with our inner Sun Presence and the Group Soul. 


listen with headphones (highly recommended)
Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)


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These are timeless presentations to help YOU and our entire Group 

Body build and sustain momentum. Please repeat as often as you desire.

   *The Collective Initiation of Monadic Absorption*

 This audio is a voice narrative to aid in understanding this initiation
Monadic level energy will catalyze an instant evolution of consciousness in the spiritually awakened... to spawn a quantum leap of the entire four-body system.

listen with headphones (highly recommended) Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...) 

*The Amazon Transmissions*

 This audio is embued with the code transferences of Unity Consciousness 
and gently guides a journey of energy body recalibration and stabilization.

listen with headphones (highly recommended):· ·
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)

Voices by Amazon Participants... Tiara Kumara, Joost Van Bilsen, song by Gary Gottselig


*Building the Strength and Power of our Electronic Ring*

 We are consciously building and charging this luminous field of Divine 
Light radiation and our personal mantle of protection and invincibility.
This also gives us greater ability in the skill of Energy Transference.

listen with headphones (highly recommended):   
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...) 

*Developing our Concentraton for Instant Manifestation*

It is through the Divine Attribute of Concentration that brings 
stability, alignment with our Supreme Mind and opens the door 
into our Powers of Creation and instant manifestation.

listen with headphones (highly recommended):   
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)

*Journey to the Great Central Sun
*Building our Antahkrana ~ Activating our Solar Magnetism*

We activate our absolute alignment with the Great Central Sun and the solar 
magnetism within our own bodies... that which gives us instantaneous manifesting 
ability. We build Group Antahkarana and realize union with our I AM Presence.
listen with headphones (highly recommended):   
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)
angelic toning by Iris Onica

*Expanded DNA Code Activation ~ Remembering our Avatar Skillsets*

This is activating the codes of light in our DNA and the remembrance of

our Avatar skills. This transmissions directly supports the actualization 
of our God Self out-pictured in the flesh.

listen with headphones (highly recommended):   
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)

*Firing the 2012 Momentum*

Through this transmission, we are initiating together, our Group Avatar Blueprint 
and the emergence of its physical manifestation during this year 
of 2012.

listen with headphones (highly recommended):   
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. | | 404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta | CA | 96067

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Here is the 8/8/12 Gateway Portal Meditation of Waves of Bliss [copyright of Nasrin Safai]

duration 28:54 :: Grounding + Grid Invocation + Meditation with Jim Foster

source page:


I hope you enjoy



Esta Lior



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The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
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08-08-2012 ~ The Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light Invocation

 (File size: 17.434 MB - approx download time 3-6 min - audio 15  minutes )



08-08-2012 ~ The Elders on the Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light

 (File size: 17.341 MB - approx download time 2-5 min - audio 37  minutes ) 



Higher Light  

As we progress through this sacred year of 2012 and into this new Golden Age of Light, we are undergoing a series of initiations into greater levels of Self Mastery. Often this is accomplished by moving through perceived challenges and into deeper levels of Self Love and Self appreciation, and truly being able to know ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.  

Each month through these Initiatory Gateways of Light, we have been experiencing our Spiritual Robes of Self Mastery through the energy of the rays, our Beloved I Am Presence, the Overlighting of the Company of Heaven and our Mother/Father God. In so doing, we are experiencing deeper levels of both the shadow and the Light, increasing our Light Quotient, building our I Am Avatar Body of Light, activating the dormant DNA, experiencing the New Earth Templates of Light through the Cosmic Christ Timelines and with this, moulding and shaping our realities within the One Reality of All That Is, and the Center of Divine Love. We are experiencing this dance of Divine Love together and to truly know we are Divinely supported and deeply Loved through the many Legions of Light from On High assists us in co-creating Heaven on Earth, particularly in this Now moment as we experience so many shifts and changes on all levels of our beingness.


08-08-2012 ~ The Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light

On August 8th, 2012, we enter into the eighth initiatory Gateway of Light through the eighth ray of Transcendence and the Overlighting of Lady Nada, and the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light.

 The eighth ray of Transcendence is a beautiful expansive Seafoam Green and Violet colored Flame, amplified in Light frequencies to assist in the purging, clearing, healing and releasing of old wounds, cellular memories and false beliefs as well as assisting the physical/etheric body to regenerate and heal itself. The energy of the eighth ray is primarily about the breaking up of old, outdated belief systems and structures, to create form through the rebirth of new energies and beliefs and the experience of Divine Love. In so doing, we transcend our dualities through the “sacred flame of transcendence”, and in detachment and Self Mastery, come into a deeper experience of One Unity Consciousness. 

In this “Blue Moon” month, beginning and ending with Full Moons, we undergo our eighth initiation as The Warden, a Keeper of Justice to Mother Earth and all her Life. It is in this Now moment that we are able to ease the tensions and stresses experienced within our daily lives through the focus on stability, equilibrium, understanding, unconditional Love and infinite expansiveness, increasing our ability to remain steadfast in the Light of Mother/Father God while bringing a focus to the injustices upon this earthplane. It may also be a time when we take on the mantle of new creative projects, discover new gifts or move into a new direction in our Service work. 

We are further offered an opportunity to build our multidimensional bodies of Light, to cloak ourselves in our sacred Spiritual Robes of Self Mastery and the Patterns of Perfection from On High as we experience the New Earth Templates of Light through the Photonic Rays of Light and the fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love.This allows for the Divine energy of pure Light and Love to ground into our lower bodies so our emotional, mental, etheric, physical and soul bodies can be filled with Divine energy. Additionally, it facilitates a pathway of consciousness that is experienced through the Group I Am Avatar Body of Light and allows all Life on this earth plane to experience the pathway of transcendence through forgiveness and Divine Love.

 To this end, we are invited into the Ascension Seat in Delphi, Greece, to ground the new energies of Light and to assist in the healing of ourselves and our relationships in detachment, forgiveness and Divine Love. From here, we are invited into the Temple of Transcendence within the Pleiades constellation.  

August 9th starts with the Central Sun Day, experienced through Alcyone. As we lift ourselves into the Temple of Transcendence within the Pleiades Constellation, we experience the Divine Consciousness of One as we actualize the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within our hearts, and connect to all the Spiritual Suns in alignment with our Beloved I Am Presence.  We further anchor and activate our higher dimensional chakras, to create our fifth dimensional Body of Light through the sacred geometry of the octahedron and the Photonic rays of Light. Additionally, we experience a deeper integration of the geometries of Light within the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love, to be activated on December 21st, 2012. And for advanced Initiates of Light, there is a window of opportunity to enter into the Halls of Amenti.

The New Moon energies on August 17th/18th take us into a deeper alignment of our Service work and the ability to remain steadfast in the Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, truly being able to bring a focus to our co-creations as these Master Beings of Light.

On August the 21st, we anchor the eighth Silver Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs through the spinal column, while focusing on the Light integration within our 13 body chakra system and that of Mother’s Earth Light Body through her 13 primarily vortices and chakras.

August 22nd, World Healing Day, offers us the opportunity to take this sacred Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence out to all of Humanity, assisting us in reconnecting in new way within our relationships, and allowing all Life on this earth plane to potentially experience the healing rays and Divine Love of Mother/Father God, and the Company of Heaven.

As we end this month with the second Full Moon on August 31st, we have a sense of the new encodings of Light coming in through the New Earth Templates of Light; and a sense of excitement in the knowing that we are indeed changing and shifting into a deeper alignment of Divine Love collectively through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. The experience of the New Earth energies will start to be tangibly felt as we are propelled into a greater Planetary Light Quotient in the month of September and a deeper sense of interconnectivity, Self mastery and Divine Love as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And so it is.  

~ Invocation to the Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,

the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,

the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,

the Mighty Elohim,

the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,

Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,

the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,

and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,

as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.


I now call forth to Lady Nada and the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light

to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,

into the Ascension Seat within Delphi,

so I may undergo my eighth initiation as The Warden,

so I can cleanse and clear my lower bodies and sub-consciousness mind,

so I may create anew my relationships in Divine Love,

so I may assist in the healing of my physical/etheric body,

so I may assist all Life to experience the radiance of the One Heart of All Creation, through forgiveness and Divine Love.


As I enter into this Ascension Seat,

I am surrounded in this sacred Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence.

I now request the return of all Soul fragments and energies that were manipulated through control and power issues,

I now request the purification, clearing and healing of my lower bodies,

I now request the removal of any blockages within my genetic lineage preventing me from loving and harmonious relationships and the full merger with my Beloved I Am Presence.


I now anchor the eighth major Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal  column.                                                                                         

  I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my nervous system, meridians and chakras.


I am now taken in Soul Consciousness into the Ascension Seat within Alcyone.

Greeted and welcomed as an Emissary of Light by the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light,

I now find my Self in an octahedronal shaped Temple of Light.

As these Flames of Transcendence purify and heal my lower bodies,

the sacred geometry of the octahedron is now created around my etheric, emotional and mental bodies.


As I now experience the New Earth Templates of Divine Love,

and the Photonic Rays of Light,

the Golden Solar Sun Dics of Light is actualized within my heart.

I now connect to the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun and now Great Central Sun,

as I merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,

experiencing my I Am Avatar Body of Light.

I now anchor and activate the higher dimensional chakras of Light through my chakra system,

and create my fifth dimensional Body of Light.

And now, with the Legions upon Legions of Light,

The Light Workers, Star Seeded Ones and all those awakened in heart and mind,

I connect into the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light,

And from here,  into the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love.

I now experience a deeper integration of the geometries of Light within this One Unity Consciousness Grid,

And the energetic planetary keycodes of this new Golden Age of Light.


I now assist in wrapping the Earth and all Her Life in this sacred Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence,

allowing all Life the potential to experience these healing rays of Light,

and a pathway of Light through forgiveness and Divine Love.


I now find my Self back in my sacred space,

grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,

and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I am now surrounded in this beautiful Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence,

and the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness,

Overlighting this sacred year of 2012.


I Am courage, justice, integrity, and wisdom,

I Am stability, equilibrium, and unconditional Love,

I Am understanding, unity and infinite expansiveness,

I Am All That I Am.


Music by Micheal Hammer

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek 


~ 12-12-12 ~ Twelfth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~

Table Mountain 


~  2012: Planetary Ascension Wave of Divine Love ~

 Ascension Retreat


Part II: Original Full Post:  Click here

~ Message from the Elders ~

Welcome sweet ones, it gives great please to be with you in this Now and indeed in this sacred year of 2012 as you experience the New Earth Templates of Light through the 2012 Planetary Ascension Wave of Divine Love, embraced within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.  December the 21st of 2012, sweet ones, is a very  important Now moment as you complete the end of a 260,000 year cycle and enter into this Golden Age through the New Earth Templates of Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.  Indeed, sweet ones, you are already experiencing many of these fifth dimensional frequencies of no time and no space in oscillating waves through the Photonic Rays of Light and Solar Flares upon this earth plane.  However, the full spectrum frequencies of these rays of Divine Love through the New Earth Templates will be experienced from December 21st 2012, as all dimensions shift into the next octave of Light and Mother Earth and all her Life commences their ascent into these fifth dimensional frequencies. 

To complete your ascension process sweet ones, your Planetary Light Quotient will be raised to a level of between 92-99%. In other words, this is the amount of Light that you will be able to hold within the body and will not only reduce the oscillating emotional waves of both the shadow and the dark, as you stand steadfast in the Light, but will further assist in the recalibration and transformational process you are undergoing, as your chakras start to merge in one unified column of Light, as your 12 Strand DNA comes online and indeed too, as you truly know yourselves as these multidimensional Master Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. Following the 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love, the first ascension wave occurred, and the second ascension wave was experienced through a window of opportunity between May 5th (the 05-05-05 Stargate) and June 20th/21st, the time of the Solstice. And due to these ascension waves sweet ones, 144 000 Master Beings of Light, yourselves sweet ones, have activated the ascension codes within your bodies and within the DNA specifically, to allow for all Life to make this  transition into this New Golden Age of Light.

And to further understand the importance of this, and how it impacts you in this Now sweet ones, we take you back into your dimensional past. In 104 000 B.C. through the collective signature of One Unity Consciousness from the Cosmic Heart and Divine Flame of Eternal Light of Mother/Father God, a call was put out across all dimensions and Galaxies requesting 144 000 Light Beings to physically embody onto Earth, and to anchor these frequencies of the Law of One through the three-fold flame and heart center of every atom and molecule on this Earth plane, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will.  These 144 000 Beings of Light stepped down their vibration to take on earthly form and many of you, sweet ones, were part of this core group, or the second or third wave of this core group who chose to be of service to Mother Earth and all her Life.  And the importance of this in this Now sweet ones, is that you are again at the point of ascending collectively and taking on this mantle of leadership as these Flames of Divine Love amplified and experienced through the keycodes of Light and sacred geometries within the Crystalline Grid of Divine Love holding these vibrations of Christ Consciousness. Furthermore, sweet ones, at zero point, Jesus the Christ was birthed, and embodied the 144 000 within One.  This amazing Divine event which was Overlighted by the entire Company of Heaven, allowed the rebirth of the Christed Consciousness of Humanity to be experienced at a Higher Light level. Through this Divine Dispensation, it has been decreed that when 144 000 Master Beings of Love and Light ascend to their Highest Potential simultaneously, each atom and molecule on this Earth plane will ascend to their next level of enlightenment and this entire Earth plane and your Solar System will again be embraced into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God for all eternity. And this will be experienced sweet ones, through the Planetary Ascension Wave on December 21st, 2012, as you collectively experience the Group I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light through connecting to the Christed Consciousness of all Humanity. Additionallya new sacred geometric shape was activated through the Unity Grid, the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love from 1992, that which we call the double penta-dodecahedron, and reflected the 144 facets of Christ Consciousness and the 144 000 components of One Unity Consciousness for this multi-universe. 

The 12-12-12 gateway brings the completion of the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love sweet ones, and with this, your ability to truly access all the sacred geometries and Light frequencies within the Unity Grid and further to this, the ability to activate your own Light Bodies/Merkabas into these higher dimensional frequencies and Christed Timelines of light.  And December the 21st 2012 brings a focus to the activation and actualization of these New Earth Templates as the thirteen major chakras and portals of Light on Mother Earth are activated in alignment with your Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun, the Galactic Center and the Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs. Additionally, the 12 Strand DNA will be reactivated and actualized through the Crystalline Light Body of Mother and the Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs as you experience the remembrance of yourselves as starseeded ones and transfiguring Flames of Divine Love through your Beloved I Am Presence and the Group I Am Avatar Collective of Light. 

As starseeded ones and lightworkers you are the physical vessels of Light through which the  thirty-three Cosmic Portals of Light will be  anchored and activated on December the 21st, 2012.  The thirty-three Cosmic Portals of Light bring about the fifth dimensional Cosmic vibration of Christ Consciousness and are further connected to the thirty three Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs of Light being activated through the twelve initiatory Gateways of Light in this sacred year of 2012.  These Silver Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs, thirteen major and twenty minor discs, are being activated through the spinal column and cerebrospinal fluid throughout this year so you may indeed, come into the full magnificence of yourselves through the recalibration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain and increased Light through the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands and indeed too, through the 12 strand DNA as it takes on the crystalline matrix keycodes of Light. 

The DNA activation process sweet ones is indeed a complex one, as is the Ascension process.  The Ascension Process is a process of decension of Spiritual Light, the experience of layers of Light being anchored into the physical plane of existence, which once integrated within the energy field of yourselves and Mother Earth, in turn activates the DNA Templates of Light. This process in turn activates the DNA as Portals of Light, bringing new energetic Templates of Light into the physical body and with this, the ability to experience many multidimensional realities simultaneously. Additionally, through this dimensional shift, you experience many of the ascension symptoms as you shift your cells into higher frequency patterns such as headaches, memory and time loss, sleeplessness or awakening at all hours, anxiety attacks, kundalini experiences, weight gain or loss, changes in diet, shifting of relationships, moving of location, jobs and so on, to name a few. So this process of "shifting frequency" can indeed be rather uncomfortable as it further brings up your deepest fears, old cellular beliefs and judgments, and we suggest that you truly take time out for yourselves, as well as trust, surrender and accept this process so you may transmute, transform and heal all aspects of yourselves, as it is amplified in this Now, and further experience the New Earth Templates of Divine Love in this sacred year of 2012.  This clearing too is being experienced by Mother Earth and all Life as you further work with the karmic patterning of the collective unconsciousness of the planet and all Life upon her while shifting dimensionally. And from a place of detachment, you may well recognise that many of these "issues" are not yours sweet ones, but coming from a place of frozen planetary miasms and debris that is being transmuted on an earthly level so that all Life on this earth plane may have the opportunity to experience this Ascension process, this New Golden Age of Light. 

All these sacred activities of Light, sweet ones, culminate in the Now moment of December the 21st, as the New Earth Templates of Light come online. As you experience the Crystalline Cities of Light and the New Earth Templates of Light through these sacred portals and Christed Timelines, you activate your Light Bodies/Merkabas and the Light Body/Merkaba Mother Earth.  It is a time, sweet ones, when all that you have ever wanted to be and experience through these Christed timelines in the co-creation of Heaven on Earth becomes the reality with which you live and experience your life as these transfiguring flames of Divine Love and the Group I Am Avatar Race. In this grand celestial Cosmic celebration of Light, in this collective ascension process, all Life, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will, is being lifted into these fifth dimensional Templates of Divine Love and commences the journey forward as Solar Beings of Light. For the Earth herself becomes a Spiritual Sun and the Center of Divine Love within which you live as you take yourselves beyond the ring-passeth-nots into Solar Christ consciousness.  For this is further the point in which you able to shift into Solar Christ Consciousness, beyond the ring-passeth-nots, as you start to experience your Adam Kadmon Body of Light, your etheric, electronic body of Light through your Beloved I AM Presence, and the Adamantine Particles of the Creator Light through this sacred Ascension Flame of Divine Love. Additionally, it is through this ascension wave that your many gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance , clairaudience, teleportation, healing and many others will be magnified and activated, as you truly experience yourselves as Self Mastery; in One Unity Consciousness and Divine Love with all Life.

We invite you to join us into this sacred space, connecting with your hearts and minds energetically or physically as collectively you experience the Highest Light of Who You Are, your Beloved I AM Presence, as these sacred Flames of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.  Your combined efforts sweet ones, will lift the frequency of Mother Earth into this New Golden Age of Light, as together you co-create Heaven on Earth.  We look forward to this Cosmic Now moment in time with you, sweet ones, and to the many Cosmic moments in time experienced throughout this year of 2012 and many more to come.  We bless you and thank you for your service to Mother Earth and all her Life.  And with this, we bid you the most magical day.


Blessings and much Love

Anrita Melchizedek




  Anrita Melchizedek is founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network.



Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network 


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Dear Friends,

August is the month of Abundance. This year the month of August coincides with Shravana, also considered the month of Abundance in the Lunar Indian calendar. The month of Shravana is sacred and special to Divine Mother in her Aspect as Lakshmi, Goddess of Material Possessions and Spiritual Abundance.

Our meditational exercise for this month has three components; 1) a grounding meditation with all Earthly and Cosmic Goddesses, 2) a healing of the 5 Elements to let abundance in, and 3) a personal healing component where Divine Mother clears all our Chakras with a Golden Lotus to remove all dross and bring health, happiness and prosperity. The Golden Lotus Healing is at the end of this long meditation. Please don’t miss this part of the exercise, as it is directly relevant to your personal health and wellbeing.


Gateway Portal Channeling Event will be o Wednesday, 8/8/12 at 7:30 PM ET.

Portal Days in July: 8/1/12, 8/2/12, 8/8/12, 8/10/12, 8/11/12, 8/12/12, 8/18/12, 8/20/12, 8/21/12, 8/22/12, 8/28/12.

There will be 2 Full Moons in August; on 8/2 and 8/31. New Moon is on 8/17. 

May Divine Mother’s abundant love and favors fill your heart, your life and the lives of your loved ones. Thank you for all you do in service to the Divine.




In honor of Divine Mother and Goddess Lakshmi in her sacred month of


The month of Shravana is sacred and special to Divine Mother in her Aspect as Lakshmi, Goddess of Material Possessions and Spiritual Abundance. This year, the lunar month of Shravana falls into late July and August. The important days of celebration are July 27th and 28th Lakshmi Dayor Sri Vara Lakshmi, where she grants all boons. The 1st and 2nd of August fall on a full moon, an auspicious time to perform ceremony to Goddess Lakshmi. August 2nd and 3rd is Rakhi Purnima, when we seek protection from Divine Mother and offer our devotion for an entire year.

August 8 or 8/8 is the most auspicious day of the year for manifesting financial abundance, as 8 is the universal number for prosperity.  August 12th and the 16th which is Harmonic Convergence are other important days.

Note: Making an altar to Lakshmi during these special days and offering candles, flowers (especially pink and red colored flowers) and chanting the Khadga Mala, the Thousand Names to Divine Mother and the 108 Names of Lakshmi while performing the exercises in this course is very auspicious indeed.

For an extensive explanation of Shravana and a print out of the 108 Names, go to


page source:


Templates of Perfection for the Five Elements & Healing Earth’s and our own Five Body System with

Divine Mother’s Lotus

Adapted from 7/7/12 Gateway Portal Channeling with Divine Mother

Grounding Meditation with Uluru and Niagara Falls

If you are familiar with the Grounding Meditation, please scroll down to the Grounding Summary followed by Divine Mother’s Discourse.

Visualize that you are standing on top of Uluru or Ayres Rock, a very sacred spot in Central Australia.  It’s a huge rock formation with a flat top.  Imagine standing on top of it and feel this enormous rock whose heart beats in sync with our own Mother Earth.  Simultaneously visualize that you see the Horseshoe Shaped Falls of Niagara Falls.  Imagine that you are also floating out in the air over the falls and the mist is in your face, as the water pours over the falls and broils up in mist.

As we begin our grounding meditation, we have the Earth Element in Uluru and we have the Water Element with Niagara Falls in front of us. Visualize your own Hara Line, a shaft of Light extending from the bottoms of your feet and your tail bone going straight down, all the way to the center of Mother Earth.  Imagine a Pillar of Light that extends down and as it reaches the Core Crystal in the center of Mother Earth. See the Golden Light of the Core Crystal and the Red Life Force Energy of Mother Earth mixing together creating an Amber colored Light; the Amber colored Life Force Energy of Mother Earth is moving up through your Hara Line, up through the bottoms of your feet, up through your legs, filling your body as it moves through your tail bone, up through all of your Chakras.  This Amber colored Life Force Energy is clearing and cleansing your Chakras and filling your Five Body System. As it reaches your Crown Chakra, see that it extends up through the Antahkarana Cord all the way up through the Thrones.  Imagine it going up through all the Dimensions of Reality, all the way to the Throne of Creation, to the Pool of Creation, where this Amber colored Light which extends up the Antahkarana Cord like the trunk of a tree, spreads out in branches and leaves, in the Pool of Creation.

We pull the Amber colored Cosmic Life Force Energy from the Pool of Creation and let it cascade down through the Antahkarana Cord, inside the tree trunk, to your Crown Chakra and into your body.  Feel the Cosmic Life Force Energy now moving through every Chakra, through your Five Body System, down and out the bottoms of your feet into the Hara Line, all the way to the center of the Earth.  You have connected the Life Force Energy of Mother Earth with the Cosmic Life Force Energy from the Pool of Creation.  Both streams continue to flow through you, clearing and cleansing your body, as you are one with Uluru and one with the waters of Niagara Falls.  Take a deep breath.

Grounding Summary

  • Visualize that you are standing on top of Uluru.
  • Simultaneously visualize that you are floating out in the air over the Horseshoe Shaped Falls of Niagara Falls. 
  • Visualize your own Hara Line extending down from the bottoms of your feet and your tail bone to the Core Crystal in the center of Mother Earth.
  • See the Amber colored Life Force Energy of Mother Earth moving up through your Hara Line, up through the bottoms of your feet, up through your legs, filling your body, clearing and cleansing your Chakras and filling your Five Body System.
  • It reaches your Crown Chakra and extends up through the Antahkarana Cord to the Pool of Creation and spreads out like branches and leaves, in the Pool of Creation.
  • Pull the Amber colored Cosmic Life Force Energy from the Pool of Creation and let it cascade down through the Antahkarana Cord to your Crown Chakra and into your body, moving through every Chakra & your Five Body System; down and out the bottoms of your feet into the Hara Line, all the way to the center of the Earth.

Take a deep breath.

Core Crystal of Earth & Grid of Light

Now imagine that you slide down to the Core Crystal of Earth and you are standing before the Sacred Fire at the center of Mother Earth.  On the far side see Divine Mother’s Throne. Visualize Divine Mother is standing directly in front of you now in her ceremonial robes. Copper Gold Light emanating from her body.  She is pouring Copper Gold Light over you.  She is pouring her love over you and a crown is on top of her head.  Take a moment and just feel the love pouring out of Divine Mother.

Great Silent Watcher: Divine Mother takes your right hand and stands to your right. See before you Great Silent Watcher, a huge Cosmic Being with Turquoise Blue Light beaming from her Heart/Cosmic Heart to your Heart/Cosmic Heart a beam of Turquoise Blue Light. From a huge Scepter of Power, see beams of Turquoise Blue Light going to your Eighth Chakra, 12 inches above your Crown Chakra, and to your Earth Crust Chakra, 12 inches below the bottoms of your feet.  Visualize a Seven Pointed Star inside each of these two Chakras that is spinning and receiving the Turquoise Blue Light from Great Silent Watcher and pouring it into a column of Turquoise Blue Light extended between the two Stars going right through your body, through all of your Chakras. Clearing and cleansing your Chakras, it creates a bubble, a cocoon of Turquoise Blue Light around you.  .  Let this cocoon establish itself around you.  This is Great Silent Watcher’s gift, the Energies of Protection, Fearlessness and Divine Power.

Quan Yin and the Energies of Compassion: Now, Quan Yin comes to stand to your left, holding your left hand.  She is dressed in her white robes of white pearls, beaming Pure White Light to you.  We will establish around us now the layers of the Energies of Compassion.  As the Patroness of Compassion, Quan Yin pours over us the Bandwidth of Compassion which takes form in layers around you.  The first layer, closest to your body, is a Dusty Pink color, then the next layer is Vibrant Pink, the next layer is Fuchsia Pink, the next layer is a Golden Pink and then see that the Amber colored Life Force Energy, that is constantly moving from Mother Earth up through us and the Cosmic Amber Life Force Energy that is pouring down, cascading down, creates a cocoon around these layers of Compassion.  Put these layers around you every morning before you go about your day.  Be aware that everything that you touch, everything that you say, everything that you think, everything that you do will be imbued with the Energies of Compassion and ask that Quan Yin be with you to make sure that all that you do is imbued with these layers, the full Bandwidth of Compassion.

Now bring your attention back to the Cocoon of Turquoise Blue Light, Divine Mother holding your right hand, Quan Yin your left, and Great Silent Watcher facing you, her Scepter pouring Turquoise Blue Light into your Eighth Chakra above your head and your Earth Crust Chakra below your feet.  Her Cosmic Heart pouring Turquoise Blue Light to your Cosmic Heart.

Goddess of Victory: Goddess of Victory comes to stand with Aspects of herself in the Seven Directions, the four directions, plus up and down and within. Goddess of Victory sends her Triple layered Light of Victory for all Seven Aspects to you in colors of Lemon Yellow with streaks of Pewter and Platinum colored Light sends an Aspect to stand in front of you, one behind you, one to your right, one to your left, one above you, one below you and one within you – that over-lights you.

144,000 Silent Watchers: Now we call the 144,000 Silent Watchers to come and stand in circles upon circles around us.  Each one of these Silent Watchers holds their Scepter up pouring the Turquoise Blue Light, amplifying what Great Silent Watcher is sending in the Cocoon around you.

10 Billion Angelic Watchers: We call 10 Billion Angelic Watchers, who stand shoulder to shoulder creating a huge cocoon, a bubble of Turquoise Blue, further amplifying the Energies of Great Silent Watcher.  In order to step down the Energies of Great Silent Watcher, she has brought forth the Silent Watchers to step down one level and the Angelic Watchers to step them down the next level, so that these Energies are more palpable to the Third Dimension, to Earth and humankind. Take a deep breath as we stand in this Grid of Light.

Divine Mother wishes that we put ourselves in this Grid every morning when we wake up, and reinforce it as many times as we can think of it, during the day.  Now together with this entire entourage we will move over to stand around the Sacred Altar, the Sacred Altar in the center, at the core of Mother Earth.  Visualize you are standing at the edge of the Altar, Divine Mother to your right, Quan Yin to your left, Great Silent Watcher across from you, Seven Aspects of Victory around you, 144,000 Silent Watchers and 10 Billion Angelic Watchers in circles around us.

Cosmic Goddesses of the Divine Feminine

Cosmic Being Venus: We are going to call forth Goddess, Cosmic Being Venus to come forth and join us standing around the Sacred Altar.  See that Cosmic Being Venus comes in Cobalt Blue colors beaming Cobalt Blue to the fire.  She comes in her ceremonial robes, very regal.

Lady Veyga: We call Lady Vega, See that Lady Vega comes in her range of green colors, from Citron Green, Light Green, all the way to Jade Green with Emerald Green in the middle, beautifully dressed in her robes.

Cosmic Mother of the Universe: Cosmic Mother of the Universe in her Vibrant Pink Light.

Cosmic Mother of the Cosmos: Cosmic Mother of the Cosmos in her Amber colored Light.

All of these Cosmic Beings have been called by Divine Mother, but they have all come of their own free will to help Divine Mother, and to help Earth and humankind and to bring the Energies of the Divine Feminine; to prepare us to embrace our own Divinity and to begin a life of peace and harmony. These Energies haven’t been awake on Earth for thousands of years.

Mother has invited, and these Cosmic Beings have agreed to come and stand by our side as well as Divine Mother’s side, to bring the Divine Feminine (over the past couple of years) embraced by and fully embodying the pure Qualities and the Energies of the Divine Feminine, moving away from the corruption, moving away from all the negativity and the lower vibrational energies that have had their way with Earth and humankind for so long.

Earthly Goddesses of the Divine Feminine

Now, we also call out to the Goddesses who work more closely with Earth and humankind, and ask them to come forth now and be over-lighted, to be amplified, and have their energies magnified by these Cosmic Beings.  We call forth:

Mother Mary,

Goddess Pele,

Goddess Hecate,

Goddess Athena,

Lady Nada,

Goddess Aphrodite,

Goddess Saraswati,

Goddess Lakshmi,

Goddess Durga,

Goddess Kali,

Goddess Gaia.

We send our love our gratitude to all of them and invite them to this circle.  See each one of these Goddesses as they step forward, see also that throngs and throngs of Angelic Beings are coming from all directions in support of the Divine Feminine, Divine Mother and these Cosmic Beings who have offered themselves at great sacrifice to come and stand by our side, and in support of the Goddesses who deal with Earth and in support of Earth and humankind.

Sanat Kumara: We now invite Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos. Dressed in his Fuchsia Pink ceremonial robes, he stands next to Great Silent Watcher.  The Energies of the Divine Feminine will purify Earth, to accelerate Earth and humankind so that Sanat Kumara can bring his Energy closer to Earth. That people of Earth reach out to our Planetary Logos to come back.

As you stand at the Sacred Altar, set your intentions, say your prayers, thank every one of the Beings who have come forth in service to Earth, humankind, Divine Mother and the Divine Feminine.

Templates of Perfection for the Five Elements & Healing Our & Earth’s Five Body System with Divine Mother’s Lotus

My beloved children of Light, I Am your very own Divine Mother.

Take a deep breath and visualize that every Being who has been called on your behalf is now offering theirSignature Energy to the Sacred Altar in front of all of us.  Also envision that a miniature aspect of the planet is suspended in the air above us.  All the Goddesses are offering their specific Signature Energy and whatever Quality they bring.

For example, Quan Yin brings Compassion, Mother Mary brings Divine Love, Great Cosmic Being Venus brings Divine Empowerment, Goddess Victory brings her Quality of Victory, and Great Silent Watcher brings her Protection, Fearlessness and Cosmic Empowerment, so on and so forth.  Also, each of them is sending their Signature Light.  Great Silent Watcher is Turquoise, Cosmic Being Venus is the Cobalt Blue, and Goddess Victory has her Triple Light of Platinum, Pewter and Lemon Gold.  All the Goddesses have their own individual Signature Energies.  If you don’t know what that Signature Energy is, that’s perfectly fine, they do.   They remember what their own Signature Energy is.  In fact, wherever they go, that vibration, that Light follows them, precedes them and encompasses everything.

I want you to focus on the fire, as everyone simultaneously sends their Signature Energy and the Qualitythat they hold on Earth or on behalf of Earth.  The miniature aspect suspended above us is receiving the accumulated impact of what is being sent into the fire.  The tongues of fire rise high and bathe the miniature aspect of planet Earth in their Golden Fiery Light.  We are specifically focusing on clearing the Five Elements.

Perfected Template for the Element of Earth

We call upon the Angelic Forces and the Elemental Beings who are in charge of the Element of Earth and we ask them to bring their own Signature Energy and we call the Template of Perfection for the Element of Earth, the Template of the Return of Perfection for the Elemental of Earth. We ask the Great Silent Watcher to bring the highest aspect of the Cosmic Source for the Element of Earth.  We ask Goddess Victory to make it Victorious.  We ask every one of the Goddesses, Cosmic and Earthly, to add their own Signature Energy to purify and cleanse the Element of Earth and to establish the anchoring of the Perfected Aspect for the Element of Earth.

See the Grid Matrix around the Earth absorb the Perfection from the Template and replace the old Template with the new Perfected Template for the Element of Earth.  We will repeat this same sequence for all Five Elements.  While the Angelic Forces of the Element of Earth are bringing the Template and administering the energy of the Perfected Template of Earth upon the Grid Matrix of Earth, illuminating the Crossing Points of the Grid Matrix ,we will continue by moving on to the Element of Water.

Perfected Template for the Element of Water

We are inviting the Angelic Forces who are in charge of the Element of Water and the Elemental Beings who work with the Element of Water.  We ask the Great Silent Watcher to bring forth the Perfected Template of the Element of Water from its Cosmic Source and we ask Goddess Gaia to see to it that the planet suspended above our heads is fully receiving the Purified and Perfected Template, thereby clearing and cleansing the Element of Earth and Element of Water.  Breathe and bathe and see a huge Aspect of Goddess Gaia, towering over the Globe that is suspended above us and see that Elemental Beings and Angelic Forces are swarming around the Earth, receiving the blessing from Gaia as they are administering the Perfected Template upon the suspended miniature aspect of Earth.  Everything that we do for this miniature aspect is happening simultaneously for the actual sized Earth beneath our feet.  Again every Cosmic Being, every Earthly Goddess including Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos, and Goddess Gaia add their own Signature Energy, add their own Light and the Quality which they bring to Earth.

The Planetary Logos brings the consciousness of Perfection to Earth.  His job is to shift the vibration of Earth so that the consciousness of all souls is raised to the perfection of the Divine Plan.  Every creature has a Template that is the Perfection of its potential.  Everything in existence in all Dimensions and in all Realities has a Perfect Template.  So when it becomes corrupted, we retrieve the Perfect Template and we replace the corruption or the corrupted Template with the Perfect Template.  Now, is it as simple and easy as this?   In theory it is.  In practice too, it is.  The only glitch is time.

When we live in Third Dimensional Reality where time has been so slowed down that the density affects it, as it has been in the recent past few thousand years, then switching the Old Template with the New Template can’t be an event that happens spontaneously.  However, we can accelerate it to an exponential degree and we can etch the new groove for the Perfected Templates immediately.  When we set these intentions, the actual “idea of Perfection” is completely etched into the fabric of the Reality immediately.  How long it takes to become fully active depends on how much emphasis is placed on it.  That means how many people focus on it becoming a Reality and how many times each day, each night, each week, each month, each year the exercise is repeated until it becomes permanent. Just as it has taken many thousands of years for the Five Elements to become corrupted, it has the potential of taking many thousands of years for it to become Perfected.  However, we are using every shortcut possible to magnify the impact exponentially so that instead of a few thousand years for the return of perfection it would be a few years, a few months, a few weeks, even possibly a few days.

Containing Wildfires & Poisonous Waters

When a number of people focus on a higher perspective, using the Element of Earth, the Element of Water, the Element of Air, the Element of even Fire, change can happen.  Poisonous waters cleared by focus of people who choose to think thoughts of Light, love, blessing and mercy.  Fires can be contained when you send them the Violet Flame of Transmutation and you call to the higher perspective of the Element of Fire and ask that it would contain itself and not cause harm.  You may call upon Goddess Victory to come and help with the containment.  You can call upon the Great Silent Watcher to bring her Protection.  These are ways that you can help.

This exercise will also be perfectly viable in earthquake zones.  So when you feel the need to send Light to specific earthquake zones call upon the Great Silent Watcher, call upon Goddess Victory, call upon the Violet Flame of Transmutation and bring forth the Element of Earth.  Call upon the Element of Earth and say to the Element of Earth you have help.  Call upon Goddess Gaia and ask her to supervise and then ask Great Silent Watcher for protection, ask Victory to make Earth Victorious in her effort to move and shake herself up and off of her dross in the areas where the moving and shaking is necessary to raise the vibration of Earth.  It is as simple as that.

Now bring your attention back to the two Elements: the Element of Earth and the Perfected Template of Earth, the Element of Water and the Perfected Template of Water.  Bring your attention to the presence of the Angelic Forces and the Elementals for the Element of Earth and the Element of Water.  Bring your attention to Goddess Gaia peering over and empowering the etching of the Perfected Template into the Crossing Points of the Grid Matrix.

Perfected Template for the Element of Fire

Now we call upon the Angelic Forces and the Elementals for the Element of Fire.  We ask Goddess Gaia once again to bless it and we call upon the Perfected Template for the Element of Fire.  We specifically call upon the presence of Great Silent Watcher to send Protection so that the Element of Fire is capable of transmuting everything that it needs to transmute to raise the vibration but to leave the forests intact, to leave people’s homes intact, to raise the vibration for the Element of Fire by etching the fabric of thePerfected Template of the Element of Fire in the place of the corrupted one.  The Perfected Template will prevent the wildfires, it will prevent the fire from going awry.  We call upon the Angelic Forces and the Elementals.  It is the job of these Angelic Forces and the Elementals to constantly watch over the Element of Fire.

When you hear about forest fires, when you hear about fires raging, call upon the Elementals for the Element of Fire, call upon the Angelic Forces for the Element of Fire, call upon the Perfected Template by holding your Scepter of Power above your head kneeling before the Great Silent Watcher and Goddess of Victory, asking the Great Silent Watcher to bring her Cosmic Protection, asking Goddess Victory to bring her Torch of Victory, her Quality of Victory, to make the etching of the Template of Perfection for the Element of Fire a reality and to replace the need for all these wildfires that pollute all the other environments, all the other Elements,  while it will be decades before the karma that has been released can then be replaced with beautiful wildlife, beautiful flora and fauna and the rebuilding of people’s homes along with the removal of the shock and the grief from the hearts of those who lose their lives, from the hearts of those who remain in sadness and grief for their losses of people, places, and things.  Losing one’s environment, losing one’s home, losing one’s place of work is a great shock, losing the beautiful forest and the wildlife is a great shock to Earth, to Goddess Gaia.

We specifically ask Great Silent Watcher to send her Cosmic Light and to abate the wildfires, to protect people, places, and things.  We specifically call upon Goddess Victory and ask for her Energies and Qualities of Victory to raise the vibration of these Base Elements and to remove the corruption, transmute the corruption before it needs to become so rampant so as to take over forests and people’s homes, so rampant that it has become poisonous water, poisonous lands.  We specifically ask Goddess Victory and Great Silent Watcher for their help.  We specifically ask for all the Aspects of the Divine Feminine, the Earthly Goddesses, the Cosmic Goddesses and we specifically ask Sanat Kumara, whose consciousness protects and shields this planet and everything that happens on this planet.  We ask Sanat Kumara to bring his Protection, the Protection that every Logos provides to their planet.

Sanat Kumara is heartbroken because of everything that has transpired in the past few thousand years, his exile from the planet that is so close to his own heart.  We call him to come and to rescue and to forgive and to begin to allow his consciousness to shield the planet once again and to raise the vibration of theFive Elements.

Perfected Templates for the Elements of Air and Ether

While the Angelic Forces and the Elementals for the Element of Fire, Water and Earth are restoring the Perfected Template and the Great Silent Watcher and Goddess Victory and all the Cosmic and Earthly Goddesses are adding their Qualities, we call upon the Angelic Forces and the Elementals for theElemental of Air. We call upon the Perfected Template by kneeling before Great Silent Watcher and asking that she would send the Cosmic Perfection from the Cosmic Source for the clearing of the Element of Air. Finally we call upon the Perfected Template for the Element of Ether and the Angelic Forces and the Elementals who are in charge of the Element of Ether.

Once again kneeling before the Great Silent Watcher, we ask for all imperfections and corruption in the Element of Ether be released. We ask Great Silent Watcher to bring from her Cosmic Source the Perfected Template and that Goddess Victory makes it Victorious and accelerate the process of administering the Perfection.

Bring your attention to Goddess Gaia as she is pouring her own love to the Angelic Forces and the Elementals and making sure that the Perfected Template is etched into the Crossing Points of the Grid Matrix that is suspended above this Sacred Fire.  All the Five Elements are now represented in their Perfection.  You should see a profusion of colored lights emanating from the Grid Matrix.  This is what should be etched into your mind’s eye.  Now that we have done the clearing, what is important, is for you to always remember Earth with the Grid Matrix in place and with the Crossing Points of the Grid Matrix illuminated with a profusion of Light, with Goddess Victory holding the Torch of Victory to illuminate the entire planet, with Great Silent Watcher holding her Scepter showering Turquoise Blue Light to protect the entire planet and the Five Elements, the consciousness of all souls and to accelerate time itself, as all the Earthly and Cosmic Goddesses and all Aspects of the Divine Feminine send their own Light, their own Love, their own specific Qualities, their own specific Signature Energy. This profusion of Light is pulsing and vibrating.

Celestial music is ringing in the air and the Angelic Forces and the Elementals are singing and dancing and administering to the etching of the Perfected Template and the removal of imperfections.  If every Elemental and every Angelic Force for each of the Five Elements is called to get busy in the administering of Perfection and removing the imperfections, there would be no need for earthquakes, wildfires and poisonous waters and polluted air.  Envision the Five Templates fully etched into the great Grid Matrix of Earth.

Divine Mother’s Golden Lotus

Now envision that your very own Divine Mother stands at the edge of the Sacred Fire.  I hold a large Lotusin my hand.  I will dip this Lotus into the fire.  It will turn into a Copper Golden Lotus. I will rub it on every Chakra of your body to balance the Five Elements within your body.

I will begin by rubbing it on top of your head over your Crown Chakra, on the Lotus that sits on top of your own head, called the Thousand Petalled Lotus.  The Thousand Petalled Lotus will open up when a human being reaches Enlightenment.  I will fill your Thousand Petalled Lotus with the Golden Light that is emanating from this Golden Lotus in my hands.  I will rub it on your Third Eye; I will rub it on your Throat Chakra and on the back of your neck – your Channeling Chakra.  I will rub it all over your chest from shoulder to shoulder, front and back, this way your Cosmic Heart Personal Heart Chakras are bathing in it; your lungs and everything inside your torso is illuminated in this Copper Gold Light. I will rub it to your Solar Plexus, front and back.  Between the Solar Plexus and the Personal Heart Chakra is the Seat of the Soul Chakra.  It is the Chakra that is not talked about because in the past several thousand years it has been dormant.  I very specifically rub it on that Chakra, called the Seat of the Soul, front and back, because I need to illuminate your Seat of the Soul Chakra for your Soul to commune with your Personality Aspects; for your Soul to help you accomplish what you have come to Earth to accomplish – your Divine Mission.

Your entire torso is now illuminated, including your Solar Plexus, your Sacral Plexus, front and back, your Root Chakra, front and back and below.  Your Root Chakra funnels energy in three directions, to the front, to the back and downward to Earth. I will rub it in all three areas to open all three channels of your Root Chakra. I will then continue by rubbing it on the front and back of your knees – your knees need the support –  and top and bottom of your feet.  Then I will point it to your Earth Crust Chakra.  The Earth Crust Chakra connects you to the Core of the Earth where pure energies can nurture you.

Keep your Earth Crust Chakra clear and connect it through your Hara Line to the center of Earth pulling energy from the Core Crystal, from the Sacred Fire that is always illuminated in this Altar inside the Core Crystal. Always remember this image to remain grounded and healthy.  You also help the Earth pull the Perfection into its Reality and etch the Reality of Perfection into her body and heal her.  See the profusion of light pulsing from the center of Earth into the crust of the Earth, into the atmosphere of the Earth, and envision that the Five Body System of Earth is receiving, absorbing, emanating and sending it outward.


Envision all Cosmic Beings of Light sending their Light to the fire jumping up, the Angelic Forces and the Elementals of the Five Elements have etched their Perfected Aspect of that Element, with the help of Victory and Great Silent Watcher, into the Grid Matrix. Envision that I have cleared your Chakras from the top of your head to below your feet with this Golden Lotus.  That your Hara Line is directly connected and the Five Elements within your Five Body System have been fully cleared. Also, the Five Elements within the Five Body System of Earth have been fully cleared.  Always in your mind’s eye see this miniature Aspect of Earth pulsing with a profusion of Lights that carry the Signature Energy and the Quality of all the Earthly and Cosmic Aspects of the Divine Feminine.

Do this exercise for a minimum of 33 days.

I hold each and every one of you in my own heart with great joy, with great love and with great, great gratitude.  I AM your very own Divine Mother.  So It Is.

© FAGU 2012


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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation      





Prepare Your Life ~ Review of our Emotional Purity 
The 2012 Rites of Passage Begin Soon!


  • The Rites of Passage begin this September   
  • Embracing Emotional Purity                    
  • The Yoga of Laughter 
  • Review of Emotional Glamour                        
  • Getting and Staying Grounded
  • Resources and Extra Support         












gold key

 The Rites of Passage begin this September 



Children of the Sun Foundation is co-creating a Rites of Passage Program for all Planetary Light Servers in which to guide a 12-week group initiation into levels of Christ Consciousness and the genuine perceptual and experiential awareness of the self as God.


Leading up to the heralded 12-21-12 dateline, the Foundation's ultimate goal in delivering this pivotal program is to guide people through an expedited process of back-to-back initiations. Our highest priority is to attain the level of purity required to emerge as a Christed Group Harmonic with the authentic power to bless and evolve the mass public.


We are in the Preparation Phase!  

To undergo these Rites, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have an advanced level of control and balance over your three lower bodies - the physical body, the emotions and the mind.


This entails a demonstration of physical purity, having brought the needs and wants of the body under the dominion of your soul. The astral/emotional body is limpid and calm, demonstrating the ability to maintain a state of harmony and balance in the face of adversity. In achieving control over the mental body, your thoughts are qualified by the Divine Presence within and demonstrate a high level of stillness and inner quietude.


Through the 12 week Rites of Passage, our direct demonstration of a Christed group tone will ripple out through the planetary Crystalline Grid catalyzing a dynamic upshift in our level of unity consciousness thereby lifting off big pieces of the human framework and potentially foregoing, for the many, the long and difficult road to self-mastery.
Each of these 12 Rites is an initiation, whole initiations within themselves. It is going to be as a Cosmic Christ lightning round in preparation for our grand emergence. This has never been done before in such accelerated fashion.  













  laugh yoga      



Upcoming Full Moon Cycle and Continuing...   

Embracing Emotional Purity     




The next level of our collective preparation for the upcoming Rites of Passage focuses directly upon the purity of the emotional body. This is one of the most challenging initiatory phases for Planetary Light Servers as we are so easily deceived by the illusions of desire and personal emotion.

It takes a considerable act of surrender to allow for the appropriate conditions of emotional mastery to emerge from within. In releasing our attachments to the glamour of lower-self emotions and placing our attention upon Divinity, we make room for the manifestation of a peace-commanding presence which is the required environment for God Realization.


Preparation Recommendations:  




laughter We all have experienced the positive effects of a warm, sincere smile accompanied with a healthy bout of laughter. These simple acts are outer expressions that allow us to share our inner state of joy and harmony. The light reflected in our eyes while we smile is a sure indicator of the love emanating from our hearts.


During this period of intense preparation, we greatly encourage to keep a playful and joyous attitude. Enjoy the healing balm of heart-felt laughter with dear friends and fellow light servers as often as you can. The yoga of laughter will greatly assist in lightening up your spirits, releasing any stagnant emotional debris from your field with grace and ease.







Glamour can be defined as emotionally driven desire colorizing itself on an illusory screen through the lens of the conditioned human personality. These illusory forms enliven our lives, sometimes with ecstatic sensations, however, are limiting consciousness patterns which outplay in fantasized realities, false values, misleading desires, distorted perceptions and many needless necessities.      


Some of the most tenacious glamours are so deeply embedded that they are not even recognized or thought of as hindrances to greater revelations in consciousness.


Article Review: 




Glamours of the Spiritual Path


The condition of glamour is an inherent component of our make-up stemming from ancient astral patterns and age-long personality desires.      


There are an infinite number of ways that emotions can be glamorized. These false formations can always be found where there is any degree of criticism, pride, emotional attachment, behaviors of separatism and a sense of superiority.    



Article Review:
List of Common Emotional Glamours  




Spiritual Glamour and Discernment


One of our greatest challenges, and, as we are opening into expanded levels of extra sensory perception is  to distinguish between Divine Wisdom derived from an illumined consciousness versus that of astral psychism.


Astral psychism can simply be defined, in this context, as messaging derived from a false plane of emotional based substance. What we may intuit as divine messaging or a clear vision is oftentimes an astral reflection that is clothed with distortion. This common and quite innocent type of misinterpretation comes as a result of one's polarization swinging more to the emotional nature versus a steady centering in the Soul.


The quickening of incoming planetary energies and the resultant opening of our psychic natures has created a plethora of information on the current shifting of times with many interpretations of, so called, "cosmic truth" emerging forth. Our continuous reflection upon many of the new age expressions is absolutely necessary to guard against misleading directions and the creation of emotion based fantasized realities.




Divine Intuition is the Pure Source of Information   


It is also an important reminder that the activity associated with channeling outside energies is information that is being received and filtered through the veil of human personality. If there are any existing personality limitations of the receiver, there is most assuredly a degree of distortion to the message. There is really no need anymore to channel external spiritual entities once the ability to divinely receive from one's own illuminated consciousness is developed.    


We are in a process of great self-refinement and the final breaking through of the spells of illusion. May we continue to proceed with constant questioning, in wisdom and with the great light of discernment applied to all information to insure that we are not accepting a message as true just because it is beautifully or intelligently expressed. This is how false mass mind concepts are created and continually energized.       


Indeed, the most effective method of discrimination is to develop the powers of pure reason and Divine Intuition through the illumination of one's own developed consciousness.

Herein lies the real message of discernment.
















Many aspirants on the Path of Initiation are prone to placing their full attention upon the higher centers and associated spiritual matters. This lofty 'one-track-mind' focus often leads to an energetic sense of instability and of being ungrounded. If we are ungrounded, it is so easy to slip into the state of 'fight or flight' response when confronted with challenging situations.

As we come to experience heightened levels of emotional control/stability, we can gracefully respond to any need or situation from a state of equanimity, love and compassion.


Listed below are a few methods in which to assist grounding and stabilizing your energy bodies:


  • Affirmations: I AM grounded in my body and upon the Earth, here and NOW.
  • Ensuring you are properly nourished by toxin free foods and liquids
    (ie: pure water, organic foods, proteins and minerals)       
  • Less time in electrical energy fields, more time in nature and natural environments      
  • Visualizations: grounding cords, flowers between the toes, feet becoming roots, etc.   
  • Loving touch (massage, hugging, holding hands)


As we experience more pronounced degrees of stability and emotional grounding, we become a living forcefield of illumined peace. Excess energy is properly channeled and qualified through our multi-body system and surrounding environment.


In order to achieve this, we must enter into a place of inner stillness with our emotional bodies as limpid pools, completely stabilized and free of personal emotion, utterly open to receiving the influx of love, tranquility and wisdom streaming forth from the Divine.

It is vital to FEEL and KNOW that God is within for it is this grounded connection to the Divine that allows us to operate free of all fear, in a state of absolute confidence sharpened by unconditional warmth.

Calm and stable = strong and able.












laughing buddha 2      






~ Emotional Body Preparation ~      




1. Personal Sessions of Transference   



Our Light Transmission team stands at the ready to assist any planetary light servers in transmuting any physical limitations during each moon cycle. If you are feeling the need for a greater level of support, please do not hesitate to contact us prior to transmission date to receive the gargantuan bolt of Divine Love and Perfection radiated by these dedicated transmitters.




2. Related Articles on Emotional Purification   

 Lighting Up Emotional Glamour    





3. REVIEW!  
Rites of Passage 2011


We highly recommend the review of this outstanding program created for our 11-11-11 passage and presented as a gift of grace from Children of the Sun Foundation. These present the virtues of Christ (Unity) Consciousness in the form of 7 Rites, 7 Seals and  7 Gifts.  















Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. | | 404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta | CA | 96067

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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 


Prepare Your Life  !

 The 2012 Rites of Passage Begin Soon 

  • The Rites of Passage begin this September   
  • Prerequisites and Preparations       
  • Preparing the Body Temple    
  • Whenever we think of God, we ARE God 





gold key



Due to the planetary quickening from the closing of cycles, collective humanity has been granted Divine Dispensation for the fastest evolutionary development ever undertaken by a race of beings. We are witnessing a historical acceleration of human consciousness as we all advance upon Initiation's Path... at an exponential pace!  
Enlightenment, Self Realization and Christ Consciousness are words which describe a greatly expanded perceptual awareness that neutrally observes from a unified state of peaceful compassion, non judgmental love and the equality of all beings. This realization is available to all who consciously aspire to this new awareness as God Immanent.


It is by Divine Decree that we, who walk the Earth during these auspicious times, are the ones to fulfill the prophecy of "the Second Coming of the Christ".




The Rites of Passage begin this September


Children of the Sun Foundation has again been gifted with the responsibility to co-create a Rites of Passage Program for all Planetary Light Servers in which to guide a 12-week group initiation into levels of Christ Consciousness and the genuine perceptual and experiential awareness of the self as God.


Overlighted by the great host of Ascended Masters, the Foundation's ultimate goal in delivering the 2012 Rites of Passage is to guide people through an expedited process of back-to-back initiations. Our highest priority is to attain the level of purity required to emerge as a Christed Group Harmonic with the authentic power to bless and evolve the human race.


Through the 12 week Rites of Passage, our direct demonstration of a Christed group tone will ripple out through the planetary Crystalline Grid catalyzing a dynamic upshift in our level of unity consciousness thereby lifting off big pieces of the human framework and potentially foregoing, for the many, the long and difficult road to self-mastery.


Each of these 12 Rites is an initiation, whole initiations within themselves. It is going to be as a Cosmic Christ lightning round in preparation for our grand emergence. This has never been done before in such accelerated fashion.  













Prerequisites and Preparation Phase


To undergo these Rites, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have an advanced level of control and balance over your three lower bodies - the physical body, the emotions and the mind.


This entails a demonstration of physical purity, having brought the needs and wants of the body under the dominion of your soul. The astral/emotional body is limpid and calm, demonstrating the ability to maintain a state of harmony and balance in the face of adversity. In achieving control over the mental body, your thoughts are qualified by the Divine Presence within and demonstrate a high level of stillness and inner quietude.


In other words, these Rites are intended for those who are already awakened, that have been on the Path of purification/initiation for some time. These are Planetary Light Servers who clearly understand and are highly resonant to the group mission of Children of the Sun and the collective ideas behind the use of the Sacred Fire, the purpose of spiritual initiation and the evolution of the planetary race.

We are calling forth those souls who are authentically ready to resurrect their life into a completely new system of energy.


On a final note...

There are many paths to God Realization. Children of the Sun Foundation chooses to remain steadfast upon the Spiritual Path of Evolution from which to guide our efforts in these final missives. This is the human initiatory process created by Sanat Kumara and assisted by and through the divine radiation of the great host of Ascended Masters.













Upcoming New Moon Cycle and Continuing...   

Preparing the Physical Body Temple      



With only four planetary grid transmissions (two months) left before our grand initiation through the Rites of Passage, the call is going out to all Planetary Light Servers to PURIFY and PREPARE!


Begin now to fortify your body to receive nourishment from God as we place our full attention on the perfection that we are. During this New Moon, we highly recommend starting internal cleansing and major housekeeping on all levels; lightening up on what we are consuming materially and especially what we are putting into our bodies.


Preparation Recommendations:


The Yoga of Fasting


Long have the spiritual masters demonstrated the value of strengthening and cleansing the body through the yoga of fasting. During this practice, we greatly re-qualify our energy to be utilized for more divine purposes instead of the heavy workload involved in digesting and excreting. As we temporarily empty the physical body of any additional matter density, we are free to vibrate at a higher frequency with our thoughts focused upon the living-light nourishment available to us as particles of God.


The ability to fast also demonstrates a more advanced level of mastery of the needs of the physical body which is imperative to moving forward on the Path of Initiation.


Fasting on Sundays


We are greatly encouraging everyone to tune in to their inner guidance and ascertain whether or not you are ready to integrate a weekly fasting regime into your process of purification. It is our sincerest wish that those planning on participating in the Rites of Passage institute the practice of fasting one day per week with a preference towards Sunday as this is the traditional day of rest and spiritual communion. As with all recommendations, please do what works best for you in honor of your personal flow and bodily rhythms.


Communing with the Elements of Nature


While you are fasting, it is important to place your attention upon divine subjects and the presence of God, the eternal sustaining source. Immerse yourself in the kingdoms of nature as this is where true life-giving energies are at their highest. Allow the elementals and devic builders of form to assist you in your daily ablutions in the spirit of grace and gratitude.


Divine Nutrition and Lightening Up


As we prepare for the greater influx of light and physical plane mastery, we are being guided to consume that which is of the highest light quotient and food that is filled with vibrant life sustaining energies.

Eating fresh organic fruits, raw vegetables and sprouted legumes/seeds/grains is highly recommended during this preparatory time in order to receive the most abundant supply of God living sustenance through our food.


Slow and prayerful chewing/eating is also very helpful in assimilating the physical and etheric nutrients available within our daily meals.


In further support of lightening our physical load, reducing the amount we eat can prove highly beneficial. Reserve the mornings for a mini-fast and a greater alignment with the pranic energies of the Great Central Sun and Mother Earth.


Taking our meals sometime during the noon-day and setting sun may allow for a higher level of light absorption as we cultivate our ability to live on the God Force that pervades all things.


You may also wish to research proper food combining in order to assure your body is able digest and receive all the available nutrition from your meals to optimum capacity.


In closing, we would like to thank each and every one of you for coming this far with us as one Group Avatar. These upcoming Rites of Passage will lift us to levels of consciousness that have been merely conceptual until this turning point in our divine evolution.


Arm in arm, we stand at the Christine gates of the Kingdom, preparing for our collective entry as one Body of God. All we can say is... HALLELUJAH!














Resources and Support ~ Physical Body Preparation




1. Personal Sessions of Transference



Our Light Transmission team stands at the ready to assist any planetary light servers in transmuting any physical limitations during each moon cycle. If you are feeling the need for a greater level of support, please do not hesitate to contact us prior to transmission date to receive the gargantuan bolt of Divine Love and Perfection radiated by these dedicated transmitters.



2. Supporting Audios  

Mp3 audio download page

The following audios contain helpful guided meditations in purifying and preparing the body for increased levels of divine light:

The Amazon Transmissions

Building Our Light Quotient

Expanded DNA Code Activation



3. REVIEW!  
Rites of Passage 2011


We highly recommend the review of this outstanding program created for our 11-11-11 passage and presented as a gift of grace from Children of the Sun Foundation. These present the virtues of Christ (Unity) Consciousness in the form of 7 Rites, 7 Seals and  7 Gifts.  
















Summary of Our Focus for the Remaining Months of 2012


  • Keep the focus solely on God. Put God everywhere... before all, within all, around all, enveloping all, enfolding all. 
  • We are focusing our whole thought upon the goal, seeing nothing but the end result. (God Realization) 
  • God is our focus point upon which every thought and act is centered as this brings forth the Divine-Human Self.  
  • We have one objective to accomplish which is to have our will in complete focus with the Will of God, the pure mirror of our thought-force. 
  • When our desires are set forth in this way, it is always Divine. With our divinity always projected, our desire is conceived in Divine Order. 


All is Within 

We will conclude this focus with a final reminder that we must let God stand forth through us into full outer expression. It is no longer necessary to seek the Divine through any outside sources.

When we know that the source of all love, the spirit of all wisdom and the understanding of all truth is within us, we can tangibly experience the Divine Remembrance of our infinitely powerful God Self in physical form. 

By placing our focus upon God within and seeing God standing from us, inside out... we are placing our focus upon the Supreme Deity in the whole human family! To place our attention upon anything outside of that or to give our power over to outside sources is to maintain separative action. 
The new emanation is the one life that is in all and through all.  
Whenever we think of God, we ARE God. 




Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. | |404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 |Mt. Shasta|CA |96067

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Here is a powerful 7/7 Meditation: Divine Mother and the Templates of Elemental Perfection

© 2003 - 2012 Nasrin Safai - Waves of Bliss


I hope you enjoy

Peace & Many Blessings

Esta Lior


Time Stamp:

0:00 Waves of Bliss Intro

3:58 Grounding

Uluru [Earth Element] & Niagara Falls[Water Element]

Connecting Amber Cosmic Life Force Energy from Pool of Creation to Mother Earth

Pillar of Light

Earth Core crystal with Sacred Fire


10:00 Grid Invocation

Group Energy: Together we magnify our energies and potency

Divine Mother emanating Copper Gold Light of Love to us

Great Silent Watcher emanating Turquoise Blue Light to us, with the energies of Protection, Fearlessness & Divine Power

Great Silent Watcher beaming, with her huge sceptor of light, Turquoise Blue Light to the 8th Star Chakra & Earth Crust Chakra to energize a 7-pointed star in each chakra now spinning and receiving

Turquoise Blue Light filling a column created between the Two Stars: clearing & cleansing our bodies & chakra systems

Great Silent Watcher beaming Turquoise Blue Light from her Cosmic Heart to your Cosmic Heart

Quan Yin beaming Pure White Light to us

Quan Yin Pouring Layers of the energies of Compassion

The Bandwidth of Compassion: Dusty Pink Colour, Vibrant Pink, Fuscia Pink, Golden Pink

Cocooning in the Amber Life Force Energy

Goddess Victory beaming Lemon Yellow with Streaks of Pewter Platinum Golden, with 7-aspects of Victory in 7-directions overlighting us

Stepping Energies down to be more palpable to Earth & Human-Kind:

144,000 Silent Watchers, with their sceptors of power, amplifying the Great Silent Watcher's energies

10,000,000,000 Angelic Watchers, creating a huge cocoon bubble of Turquoise Blue Light

[Reinforce as many times as you wish]

~17 Around the Sacred Fire

with Goddess Venus, Lady Veyga, Cosmic Mother of the Universe, Cosmic Mother of the Cosmos

Cosmic being venus radiating Cobalt Blue

Lady Veyga radiating Citron Green, Light Green, Emerald Green to Jade Green

Cosmic Mother of Universe radiating Vibrant Pink Light

Cosmic Mother of Cosmos radiating Amber Light


Restoring Earth to her Purity & Innocence

Preparing us to fully clear & cleanse to be restored to the Divine;

Removing corruption & negativity

In time for portals of 21.12 when the energies become heightened.. & beyond...


19:55 Calling forth Divine Mothers to assist in the amplification

Mother Mary, Goddess Pele, Goddess Hecate, Goddess Athena, Lady Nada, *Goddess Aphrodite*, Goddess Saraswati, Godddess Lakshmi, Goddess Durga, & Goddess Kali

Inviting Goddess Gaia

Helping with all the earth changes as we move through this season

Each Goddess, stepping forward, with throngs and throngs of angelic beings, from all directions in support of the Divine feminine, the Divine Mother, & cosmic beings who have offered, with great sacrifice, to support the Earth & the Goddesses who deal with Earth & Human Kind

21:55 Sanat Kumara

Dressed in Fucia pink ceremonial robes

To purify earth and accelerate earth and human kind, to the portal and through the portal, of 21.12

With the wish and intention that we reach new heights of consciousness & evolution

Sanat Kumara as our Planetary Logos, can bring his energy closer to earth, the people of earth and reach out to assist the divine feminine

Sanat Kumara can raise our consciousness


23:15 Setting Personal & Global Intentions, Prayer & In Thanks to the Beings in Service to Earth & Human Kind

Thank You, So It Is


23:44 Nasrin: portal day of 7/7

we offer our intentions for the healing of earth and all human kind, especially the 5 element

All Beings called forth now offering their signature energy & specific quality to the sacred altar in front of us, for earth & on behalf of earth

Envisioning a miniature aspect of planet earth suspended in the air above us, now glowing golden fire light from the energies being sent

Focussing on clearing the 5 elements

27 Earth Elemental Angels

Creating a Template to perfect the element of Earth

Asking the Great Silent Watcher to bring the highest aspect of Cosmic Source to create the new template element of Earth

Asking Goddess Victory to imbue her energies of Victory

Asking Cosmic & Earthly Goddesses to add their own signature, to purify and cleanse the element of earth and to establish the perfected aspect of the element of earth

Envision the new perfected template replacing  the old corrupt template

we will replace this same sequence for the 5 elements

administering the template upon the grid-matrix of earth, illuminating the crossing points of the grid matrix

28:54 Water Elemental Angels

Asking Goddess Gaia & the aspect of planet earth to fully receive the perfected template

thereby, clearing and cleansing the element of earth, and element of water

huge aspect of goddess gaia, towering over the globe above us, and the angelic forces swirling around, receiving the blessing as we administer the perfected template of earth and water

Asking Sanat Kumara to add his own signature light & energy & quality

Planetary Logos, bringing the consciousness of perfection to earth: his job to shift the vibration of earth, so that the cnosciousness of souls

is raised to the perfection of their divine plan.. every creature.. everything upon the earth..

in its current corrupt state, we retreave the perfect template to restore..

32.00 is it and simple and easy as this?

dependent upon the emphasis upon amount of people, and how many times it is repeated .. strengthened.. until permanent..

we are using every shortcut to magnify the impact exponentially

to accelerate the restoration to perfection from 1000s of years, to a few years.. few months, few days..

focus on choosing love & light

sending transmutation of violet flame, to contain the fires.. and ask for perfected template to restore

you may call upon the great silent water, goddess victory to assist in the process.. in earthquakes etc..

37:44 Empowering the Grid Matrix

38:23 Fire Elemental Angels

additional prayer to leave forests intact, leave people's homes' intact

raise the vibration for element of fire

etching the fabric of the perfected template of the element of fire in the place of the corrupted element

enabling the element of fire to withold from taking the forests, taking the houses, giving riot

with the perfected template.. that will prevent the wild fires.. prevent the fires that go awry!!

callin on angelic foreces and elements.. to constantly watch over the element..

41:54 The Importance

"..while it will be decades before the karma that has been released can then be replaced with beautiful wildlife, flora and fauna..

and the rebuilding of people's homes, and removal of shock and trauma, and grief.. from those who lose their lives and those that

remain in sadness and grief for losses of people places and things.. the shock.. & a shock to goddess gaia, mother earth.."

43:13 Closing Requests

Asking the Great Silent Watcher to abate the wildfires, to protect people, places & things

Asking Goddess Victory for her energies & qualities to raise the vibration of the base elements, to remove corruption; transmute before the elements become rampant and take over forests & people's homes.. before water & land becomes poisonous

We ask aspects of the Earthly & Cosmic Goddesses & Sanat Kumara who's conscionsess protects and shields this planet..

We Ask Him



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